At Andros South, we launch our boats right at the mouth of Little Creek – a very protected spot that provides easy access to the East Side Creeks, the West Side, the South and our Inland Wading program.
It just so happens that there’s a great local bar at the put in. It’s commonly know as the ‘Little Creek Bar’ even though its real name is the ‘New Ocean View’. The Sands family runs the bar, and yes, that is indeed the clan of our legendary guide Josie Sands.

The beer is just barely above freezing. There’s a pool table and often an ongoing game of dominoes. The crew at the bar is really happy to have our guests stop by, and besides the fact that really cold beer tastes great after a day on the flats – it’s a great chance to hang with the locals.
Just installed the 37″ flatscreen above the pool table last week. So now we have a place to watch the playoffs!!!