It’s time for another salmon recipe! Today we hear from Matt Hynes, long-time guide at Alaska West and new member of the management team at Andros South.
Matt’s recipe involves the use of a cedar plank. If you’ve cooked much salmon and you haven’t tried out the plank yet, now’s the time.
Cedar Plank Salmon
One front half sockeye or silver fillet
Kosher salt, almost to coat
Cracked black pepper
Old Bay seasoning
Cut the cedar plank in half (use a fine toothed saw so it doesn’t split). Soak it in white wine or apple juice for one hour. On a home grill, use the whole plank and fillet.
Season the salmon. Fire up the Pyromid (a portable stainless steel charcoal grill), using 15 coals of charcoal. You want it hot. Put the seasoned salmon on the plank and place on the grill. Cover and cook until the salmon just barely flakes, usually 12- 16 minutes.
The idea is to let the plank burn so the cedar smoke flavors the fish. Uncover and let sit for five minutes. Enjoy!
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