Your fearless editor has just returned from a super-great trip to Chile West.
We’ve encountered some pretty cool fish in Southern Chile, but this one caught outside La Junta last week pretty much takes the cake. It’s not near our biggest Chilean brown, but man, check out those spots.
If you follow us on Facebook, you’ve already seen this specimen.
great spots and coloration on that fish!
Remarkable fishing. You have captured the Chile I always imagined. this you give everyone a reason to travel with you to south America.
Are those variegated markings on the back, like a Brook/Brown Trout cross might have?
Very good question! I looked more closely at some other pictures of that fish and I think…maybe. The variegated markings are very faint but certainly noticeable on the top of the head, at least.
I haven’t seen these markings on any other trout down here, also a trout this yellow? I would like to think this is a characteristic of a brook trout but I know of no brook trout in that river system. However I’m finding out these fish suprise me with something new every week.
That is the best picture of a sea run brown I’ve seen and confirms that browns have round spot patterns on their backs while Atlantic’s always have sguare pixelated spot patterns.