If you’ve heard of the Dean River, you probably know that lots of people like catching its steelhead. If you’ve read our blog much at all, you know that the Dean’s Chinook and Coho salmon are also incredible fish more than worthy of your pursuit. But the Dean’s still got more to offer…
We always appreciate guests who take some time to enjoy the incredible surroundings in the areas where we operate. Our friends from Europe who visit BC West at the end of our season each year like to exchange some fishing time to do a little mushrooming, and we think that’s pretty awesome.
Does B mail King Bolete Puff Pastries to the lower 48?
Due to recent US/Canadian tensions related to the Cook/Tony’s Pink Panty Incident, our ability to ship has become quite restricted. However, we do offer an exclusive Factory Delivery program that includes insights direct from the chef, 2 complimentary helicopter rides and a week of fishing all for one simple package price.