Barracudas are some mean SOBs. They feed on other fish, including bonefish. They’re super fast and powerful, and they get really aggressive when they think they see prey. When presenting a fly to these guys, you want to key on this predatory response. Here’s one way to do just that!
Once you have found your ‘cuda, get close enough that you can make a cast with enough room behind you to make a quick backcast once the fly has hit the water. Throw the fly anywhere from 10 to 20 feet in front of the fish, immediately picking the fly up off the water after it lands with a quick back cast. This will cause the fly to skim across the surface of the water at a very high rate of speed (much faster than you can strip the fly). This will also water load the rod for the next cast back to the same spot as the first cast (unless the fish has moved). Make sure to place the fly at least 10′-20’ in front of the ‘cuda again and then start stripping fast.
This action of casting, then water loading and casting again can be done multiple times, but quite often once or twice is enough to garner the response you are looking for – which is the ‘cuda doing everything possible to kill the fly. When he eats, give a hard strip set and enjoy the ride!
A short video clip of this technique would be great.
Great idea – we’ll add it to the list! Thanks.
What’s the best technique to handle, get the fly back, and release a cuda?
Hi Ed, thanks for checking in.
1. Remove ‘cuda flies at your own risk.
2. Be really really careful!
3. Use long-nosed pliers.
4. Make sure the ‘cuda is calmed-down and relatively docile.
5. Get a good grip just behind its head.
6. Pop the fly out with the pliers and be quick.
7. Let him go.
8. Be really really careful.
Keep the Emails comming, they are an inspiration!
Re: #4, 5 above-
A small towel laid over the eyes of a ‘cuda (either in the water or on deck) calms them down and gives a good (better) grip. They are slimy- not bonefish slimy, but close- and their long body gives them tremendous leverage. The towel makes that all-important grip much better.
It is really encouraging to see such a beautiful fish given the respect it deserves and the Barracuda should be made a official GAME FISH….also the elimination of treble hooks…….and they jump thank you..dennis
This works. I have done it. Worked perfectly. BTW, foolproof best way to get fly out of barracuda mouth: your guide. Josie will have no trouble, trust me.