For skilled casters, the Sage 790-4 TCXis an excellent all-around choice when chasing bonefish on South Andros Island.
Compared to its predecessor the TCR, the TCX loads much easier at short range, which is critical in those many situations here in which you’re making a 30-foot shot. This happens much more often than the oft-spoken-of ’70-foot shot into the wind’.
On the other hand, this is a very powerful, very fast-action rod that’s perfectly capable of making the long shot when you need to. Its stiff butt section makes short work of picking up and laying down 50+ feet of line without a false cast. Need to put the wood to a big boy? It’s got the backbone.
Yes, a 7-weight is lighter than your typical bonefish setup, but if you’ve got game, this rod has all the power that you need.
I’ve been at the website for most of the day. I just acquired a Sage Z-Axis 5 Wt 5110 I believe. I have had some questions about fishing steelhead in the Yuba River. I have learned so much today from this website, I feel like I can get started on the first cast for steelhead or I can fish for trout. I have been fishing the Yuba for about three years and I know there are fish because I see them jumping often. They are usually out of range for me, but I am encouraged after reading posts on this website which detail the various methods which have proven successful for others. Thanks
Thanks so much – great to hear you’ve found some useful information here. Have fun out there!