The Summary
- Cabela’s FT 905 4 piece rod. This rod is no longer available, but current fast-action 5-weights would work as well.
- Cabela’s Drake III reel
- Rio Clouser Weight Forward line in 7 weight
The Detail
- 100 yards of 30 pound Cortland Micron backing, tied to the spool with an arbor knot
- Rio Clouser 7 weight line attached to the backing with a nail knot. “I like to overline the rod. This makes it easy to load the rod, allowing less false casting – you need to pick it up and lay it back down quickly. It will roll cast nicely also. This line is great for big dry flies as well as adding a heavy nymph dropper. And don’t forget, Patagonia can be windy. This line helps cut through the wind.”
- Butt section of 12 inches of 30 pound Izorline tied on with a nail knot and a perfection loop on the end. “This helps turn over the line when throwing big flies.”
- 6- to 8-foot tapered leader, tapered to 5 – 10 pounds, connected to the butt section using a loop-to-loop connection and another perfection loop. “If it’s windy and I’m throwing a big dry, I go with a 6 ft, 10 lb, 3X leader. I may add a couple of feet of 8 lb tippet.”
- Big (#4) foam beetle fly in black with orange legs, tied on with an improved clinch knot. “The foam keeps the fly from drowning and also will float with a heavy nymph dropper. My choice of nymph would be a beadhead hare’s ear with rubber legs #10-12 or a weighted brown stonefly nymph #6-8.”
Where can I get some of those big beetles?