When it comes to lunchtime at Alaska West, our guests have one of two options; brown bag it for maximum fishing time, or take a little break in the middle of the day for a shore lunch, where your guide prepares a fresh salmon you just caught. What makes a shore lunch? It’s pretty simple. Your guide…
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shore lunch
Flashback Friday // Salmon Recipe from Rick Sisler
As we mentioned a couple months ago, we could not be more thrilled to welcome back Rick Sisler to Alaska West as the Operations Manager. Rick started guiding Alaska West in 1998 so he is very familiar with the program and the Kanektok River’s residents. When fishing at Alaska West, our guests can get a…
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Weekly Fish Story – What Wind?
We’re back today with this week’s edition of our ‘weekly fish stories’ series, and today’s story comes from Alaska West guide, Ben West, on a solid day on the water despite adverse conditions. Enjoy! Weekly Fish Stories – What Wind? This week our story isn’t just about a particular fish or moment per se, but rather…
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Bon Appétit
We’re always excited when a guest of ours puts together a post for our humble little fishing blog. After all, as far as we’re concerned there’s no better account than that from those that fish with us! Ed Novinsky recently fished with us at Alaska West, and although its difficult to call him a guest…
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Shore Lunch
When it comes to lunch time at Alaska West, our guests have one of two options; brown bag it for maximum fishing time, or take a little break in the middle of the day for a shore lunch, where your guide prepares a fresh salmon you caught that very morning. Fishing one of the most productive…
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Salmon Recipe from Rick Sisler
One of the many benefits of making our home at Alaska West on the Kanektok River is that we’re right smack on top of a healthy, well-managed salmon fishery. Salmon runs in the Kanektok are big and consistent, and that gives us the privilege of allowing our guests to harvest some salmon during their trip….
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