They say lighting doesn’t strike twice, but Rapids Camp Lodge sure does with another DIY (Do-It-Yourself) fishing opportunity for adventurous and seasoned anglers. Rapids Camp Lodge is now offering, for a limited time during the season, a DIY Spike Camp Style opportunity to fish the world-famous Nushagak River in Bristol Bay on your own terms….
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Nushagak River
King of The North: Alaska Chinook
Alaska Chinook Salmon are the Kings of the North. These mighty fish are beyond a thrill to catch and fight. The Nushagak River is known for its abundant run of Chinook Salmon. The Nushagak River is only accessible by floatplane. At Rapids Camp Lodge, the program is relatively simple. You wake up, eat a hearty…
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Long Live the King
For many anglers, Alaskan King Salmon is a favorite game fish, especially on the swing. If you’ve never experienced catching a King Salmon, you’re missing out. Averaging in size between 20 to 25 pounds, and will get up to an Alaskan 40 pounds. Hooking a King Salmon is like trying to haul in a Mack…
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On the Nushagak with George Cook
Recently, a friend of Deneki Outdoors, RIO Products, and Sage Fly Fishing Rep George Cook joined us out in Bristol Bay, Alaska, fishing the Nushagak River for King Salmon with the intent being to test flies, rods, reels, lines, and of course find King Salmon. With food and supplies sent to the Rapids Camp Lodge…
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Rapids Camp Lodge is Open!
Planes, check. Boats, check. Pilots, check. Guides, check, Staff, Check. Fish…yep, they’re there. Well, it’s opening week at Rapids Camp Lodge, and we couldn’t be more excited. Rapids Camp Lodge is the best blend of World-class fly fishing in Alaska’s Bristol Bay, creature comforts, and adventure. The Lodge & Fishing Experience As the lodge reopens,…
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