When it comes to trout, streamer patterns are without a doubt, extremely effective. The best thing about streamers is, they relatively easy to tie, and the color combinations are as vast as the number of colors out there. That being said, a surefire color combination is red and black. Is it a confidence thing? Maybe….
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fly tying
Fly Tying: Black ‘n’ Silver Templedog Tube
This fly is brought to us from prolific tier, Spey Angler, and friend of Deneki Outdoors the one and only Stuart Foxall. Currently, Stuart is a part of the AquaFlies team. This dog will hunt. The Black n Silver Templedog is one of the most popular Atlantic salmon flies in Scandinavian rivers when there’s fresh…
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Fly Tying: Twofer
Salmon are in, and that means a flesh and egg drop will happen soon. Arguably one of the most effective styles flies for Big Alaskan Rainbow Trout, and the flesh pattern is a relatively easy tie. Simple materials, simple methods. The simplicity of the flesh pattern also allows you to mix and match rabbit colors…
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Fly Tying: Pinky Tuscadero
Silver (Coho) Salmon love pink and movement in flies Aggresive, feisty, and fun Silver Salmon are arguably pound-for-pound the best fighting fish nature has to offer. When it comes to Silver Salmon flies, these anadromous fish love the color pink and movement. The Pinky Tuscadero embodies both attributes in a fly Silver Salmon seek. Silver…
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Fly Tying: Fishaholic
Whether on the Kanektoke River at Alaska West Lodge or the Nushagak River at Rapids Camp Lodge, swinging flies is the most popular ways to catch King Salmon. The shear power these regal game fish possess puts you in awe and you can’t help but get exhuberant when you hook one. There are quiet a…
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Fly Tying: Trailer Trash
Last week we featured some King (Chinook) Flies from RIO Products. This week, we show you how to tie one of them, the Trailer Trash. Not only is this fly simple to tie and cast, but its true beauty is in the use of marabou and the variety of colors you can tie it in….
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Fly Tying: Double Barrel Popper
Super aggressive, tremendous fighting force, and acrobatic, Silver Salmon (Coho Salmon) is a favorite among fly anglers. With an average range in weight between 8 to 12 pounds and lengths that can exceed 30 inches, many anglers consider the Silver Salmon the pound-for-pound best fighting game fish. On the swing, stripping streamers, or popping a…
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Fly Tying: Willie Nelson
Music and Fly Tying. Call it what you will…synonymous, compatible, or tantamount, music and fly fishing complement each other like gin and juice. Originally composed by Wally Adams, the Wille Nelson leech pattern was conceived while guiding in Bristol Bay, Alaska, and really gained tempo in the nineties, especially among Spey rod users. Wally understood…
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Fly Tying: Prom Dress
King (Chinook) Salmon are, without a doubt, a favorite game fish among fly anglers. The sheer power and might of these anadromous fish make it a very desirable fish to catch. There are a lot of fly patterns, styles, and colors that will work for Kings. One of the more popular and effective colors in…
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Production Tying by Stuart Foxall
We all love to see a tidy fly box full of beautifully tied flies. The mark of a decent fly tier is how “identical” their flies look when placed together. There are a few tricks we can use to accomplish this, but here’s something that I do that certainly helps with tying flies in a quick…
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