Every now and then a fly tying material hits the market that seems to make waves amongst our guide staff of ultra-nerdy and ultra-talented fly tyers. Lately, we’ve fallen in love with Hareline’s Ripple Ice Fiber. We’ve been incorporating it more and more into our salmon and steelhead flies, we really dig it, so in…
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fly tying
Aqua Flies Intruder Eyes
When it comes to commercial spey/swing style fly patterns (i.e. those that you can pick up at your local fly shop), one manufacturer in particular has been standing out amongst the crowd; Aqua Flies. We’ve been pointing anglers bound for our lodges in Alaska and British Columbia towards Aqua Flies for years. Why? Aside from…
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Cole Cook’s ‘Big Poppa’ – Tying Instructions
Silver season is fast approaching (ahem, we may or may not have already seen a few) and we’re currently experiencing the height of our mind-boggling run of chum salmon on our home river at Alaska West. That can only mean one thing.. It’s popper season! We love tossing surface patterns for our ridiculous runs of…
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Fly Tying Tip: Scruff Your Dubbing
We just finished up a great couple weeks at Alaska West with our good friend, professional fly designer/tyer, and Deneki blog contributor, Stuart Foxall. As you might expect, he showed us a few things, and today we thought we’d share one of those things with you. As a commercial fly tyer, speed is critical to…
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Fly Tying Tip: Anchoring Jungle Cock Eyes
We’re excited to have our good friend and world-renowned fly tyer, Stuart Foxall, in house this week at Alaska West. That means evenings in our ‘lounge-tent’ have been transformed from a casual social hour to a fly tying masterclass, and in no way is that a complaint. Stu recently shared a great tip with us…
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Old Head Cement for Tougher Flies
A couple months back, our pal and world renowned fly tyer, Stuart Foxall, showed us a clever way to repair split jungle cock nails using old, overly tacky, and otherwise unusable head cement/varnish. Stu recently showed us another use for that old tacky cement/varnish.. Adding durability to your flies! Old cement/varnish in which the solvent…
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The Stain Remover – Tying Instructions
A while back our pal, Daniel Cope, gave us a great fly tying step by step on his go-to pattern for coastal steelhead; the Steelhead Phantam. For those who don’t know Daniel, he’s one heck of a fly tyer. He’s also a frequenter of our humble little blog, so naturally we were honored when he…
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Fly Tying Step by Steps – Roundup
Way back in 2014 we started putting together detailed fly tying step by steps on how to tie some of our favorite fly patterns for salmon, steelhead, trout, bonefish, and more. We’ve accumulated quite a few since then, so we thought it was time to put together an updated roundup of all of our step…
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What’s Your Favorite Fly Tying Thread?
We’re less than a month away from the opening day of our summer seasons in Alaska and British Columbia. That means we’re spending a lot of time at the vise these days to fill our boxes for another great season, and we hope you are too! Needless to say, we’ve got fly tying on the…
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New Fly Tying Shanks from Aqua Flies
If you’ve been following along on our blog/newsletter or have spent any time with us at our lodges in Alaska or British Columbia, you know we love fishing stinger/trailer hook style fly patterns for everything from king salmon, to steelhead, to resident trout and char. For years, the majority of stinger style ‘shank’ flies constructed…
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