Recently I was asked to do a magazine article for Trout & Salmon magazine in the UK. I had to write it about a “sea trout” (sea-run brown trout) pattern and I could think of none better to ask than Sean Thomas in Wales. He gave me one of his nighttime patterns that he calls…
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fly patterns
Fly Tying: Fox Alevin
Well, it’s springtime. Streams and rivers are starting to open up, and water is beginning to flow. (Channel your best David Attenborough while reading this next part) During this time, a beautiful natural phenomenon occurs; salmon alevin starts to arise from the bottoms of the river. Alevin is the second stage of a salmon’s life…
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Aquatic Insects in Alaska
The saying is, ‘everything is bigger in Alaska’. This also includes bugs. For example, the giant water bug (lethocerus americanus) found in Southeastern Alaska can grow up to 2.5 inches in length. That’s a big bug. From the Arctic tundra to the Southeastern panhandle, aquatic insects exist throughout Alaskan waters and play a large role in the ecosystem. As fly anglers, it’s prudent…
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