Well, it’s springtime. Streams and rivers are starting to open up, and water is beginning to flow. (Channel your best David Attenborough while reading this next part) During this time, a beautiful natural phenomenon occurs; salmon alevin starts to arise from the bottoms of the river. Alevin is the second stage of a salmon’s life…
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Search Results for: fly tying
Fly Tying: Hot Spot Mouse
Fly fishing in Alaska is super fun. People from all around the world travel to Alaska to fly fish. Among all the flies, patterns, and ways to fish for Rainbow Trout in Alaska, fishing topwater with a mouse pattern has got to be the most exciting and exhilarating. It’s such a rush to skate a…
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Fly Tying: Graboid Leech
If you’re into fly tying or been around it for a while, there is a saying, ” there are no new flies, only different variations.” As much as that statement can be true, there are still tiers out that dip into their passion bucket of creativity and design something new. Jonathan Farmer is one of…
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Fly Tying: Jigged Frenchie Hot Spot
It’s springtime in Alaska. The snow is melting, the days are longer, and hopefully, you’ve already replenished your windshield washer fluid. Sping also means, the streams are flowing and spring fishing will soon be upon us. Spring fishing is good for a lot of reasons but the best reason is…it’s spring and your fishing. We…
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Fly Tying Books
Fly tying is a fantastic way to emulate, create, and design your own awesome fly patterns. Since the internet, there is a huge influx of fly tying instruction videos, and don’t get us wrong, there are a lot of great videos. That being said, before the internet, fly tying books were the best source for…
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Fly Tying: Critter Sculpin
During the October and November months in Alaska, it is the ideal time to fish with two handed rods. The water is low, the scenery is majestic and with less pressure on the river, it is downright peaceful and serene. A swing fly every two hander junky needs to have in their fly box is…
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Fly Tying: Rainbow Warrior
The days are getting longer, the sun is brighter and more intense, and the thaw freeze cycle puts our wipers to the test. All good signs that spring is coming upon us. As the rivers and streams begin to increase their flow, we can’t help but think about spring fishing, especially after a long dark…
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Fly Tying: Flashy Tube Bandit
The month of August in Alaska is a special time of year. The salmon have made their way through the rivers and have begun their prescribed order to spawn much to the delight of the eager Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden, and Fly Anglers alike. While egg patterns tempt trout during this time, it is still…
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Fly Tying: Partridge & Orange Soft Hackle
Soft Hackles are a forgotten and underrated fly pattern in Alaska. They shouldn’t be. Soft hackles are divided into two categories; Buzz flies, which are tied with palmered hackle to represent an insect in motion, or winged flies, where the hackles are often a throat then a collar with wings set to imitate an insect…
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Fly Tying: Tools You Need
Today’s post is from Mike Brown. Mike is the owner of Mossy’s Fly Shop in Anchorage, Alaska. A lifelong Alaskan with a passion for family, fly fishing, and fly tying. In today’s fly tying world, materials and tools are changing and advancing constantly. You see all kinds of ads telling you about how great this…
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