We do a lot of spey casting at our lodges, and in turn a lot of spey casting instruction. When working with anglers on their casting, we tend to see many of the same casting faults while making the transition from single hand fly casting to spey casting. Here are the 3 most common spey…
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Jig Tube Flies?
No one can deny that jigs catch fish. When tied in the appropriate size and color, jigs have the potential to hook fish most everywhere, and at some point, probably have! Jig hooks have been finding their way in the hands many fly tyers looking for more action from large saltwater flies to discreet freshwater flies….
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Drinking Straws for Tube Flies
When it comes to tube flies, we’re big fans. Tube flies are fun to tie and offer many advantages over traditional shank-style flies. However, unlike traditional flies, storing tube flies can be a bit of a hassle. For the most part, a simple Plano box does the trick. That is, until a gust of wind…
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Pre-Rigging Nymph Rigs
Whether dead drifting flesh and egg patterns or tandem nymph rigs, if you’re not breaking off flies, odds are you’re not fishing deep enough. There’s no question that nymphing for trout is effective. However, it can be frustrating having to constantly re-rig new flies, tippet, and split shot every time you set the hook on…
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Polyleaders for Single-handed Rods
Polyleaders are great tool that allow for anglers to adapt to a wide range of conditions. In fact, we’ve run several posts in the past highlighting how much we like fishing polyleaders on two handed rods. They’re a great match for lighter setups such as scandi heads or switch lines. However, polyleaders are just as…
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Nymphing For Trout: Hook Sets Are Free!
When fishing for trout in Western Alaska, we dead drift a lot of sub surface patterns in search of the big boys. The majority of a trout’s diet is found near the bottom of the water column. Therefore, nymphing is essential to consistently hooking trout. While most of the time we fish flesh and egg…
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Caring For Fly Lines
Contrary to popular belief, the fly line is arguably the most essential part of any fly rod setup. One can spend top dollar for the most elite rod and reel on the market, but their performance rests largely on the quality of the fly line it is paired with. We go to extreme lengths to…
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All About Spey Rigging
We make sure to pick the brains of the many guests who frequent our lodges on what topics they would like to see most on the blog. Whether in Alaska or the Bahamas, a reoccurring request is a more comprehensive explanation of spey gear. Modern rods, lines, tips and so on are constantly evolving and…
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Which Tippet Size Should I Use?
Selecting the appropriate tippet size for the situation is an often overlooked aspect of fly fishing – even though it could mean the difference between fish and no fish! First and foremost, a great rule to live by is to fish the strongest tippet you can get away with. There’s no glory in intentionally under-gunning…
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Untwisting Your Fly Line
There’s nothing more disheartening than attempting to make your shot at a tailing bonefish or permit only to find the tangled coils of a twisted fly line bunched up against your stripping guide. Regardless of your skill level, type of fly line, or whether you fish in fresh or salt water, fly line twist is…
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