Last month we ran a post on the advantages of nymphing without an indicator. Judging by the number of comments we received, we’re happy to report that nymphing without an indicator is a popular topic! Therefore, today we’re coming at you with a follow up post on how to increase your success when fishing without…
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Spey Casting – The Lift
Many spey casting faults can be traced all the way back to the very beginning of the cast, that’s right, on the lift. It’s the lift that sets the stage for a well executed cast, yet it receives little attention from those looking to fine-tune their casting. However, we won’t waste time trying to convince you…
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Casting on the Flats – Roundup
Every month or so, we like to run a roundup of posts related to a specific topic. We do this because we’ve written a lot of articles on a lot of topics, over two thousand actually, and you probably haven’t read them all! Today’s roundup topic? Fly casting on the flats! Learning to cast well under…
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American the Beautiful
Deneki family member, Adam Jackson, is back with a great write up about a special, rugged, but all the more rewarding Alaskan fishery. Adam is a long time guide of the Bristol Bay area at Rapids Camp Lodge, our fly-out operation on the Naknek River in Alaska. He’s seen plenty of unique fisheries and today he…
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The Rubber Legged Gotcha – Tying Instructions
It’s no secret that the Gotcha is one of the greatest bonefish flies of all time. We’d go out on a whim and say it has probably caught more bonefish than any other fly pattern in the world, and we use a lot of them. However, our bonefish on South Andros really seem to have…
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Getting Your Brain Around the Grains
Our buddy George Cook is back with another great post on the finer points of all things spey. George is the Northwest rep for Sage, Redington, and RIO (along with other leading outdoor brands). He’s also been a dedicated spey bum for more years than we care to ask! Today’s topic? Understanding grain weights and how they…
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Rigging With Wire – The Jam Knot
We really like throwing flies to barracuda at Andros South. They’re big, aggressive, and amazingly fast. They also have a mouth full of razor sharp teeth, which we think just adds to the excitement. Monofilament doesn’t last too long around barracuda, so we make sure to use a leader ending in 18 inches or so of…
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Landing Fish Without a Net – 6 Tips
The ability to ‘tail’ a fish, that is, the ability to land fish safely and effectively without a net is a skill every angler should posses. After all, we’ve all been on a trip where the net didn’t make it into the back of the pickup. Regardless, the old adage reigns true; if you want to catch…
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Nymphing Without an Indicator
Nymphing can be tough, but considering a large majority of a trout’s diet is found sub-surface, it’s an important tool to have in your arsenal. Strike indicators are all the rage these days, and many anglers find them extremely helpful in detecting the subtle strikes that can be had while dead drifting sub-surface flies. It’s hard to…
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Spey Casting in Tight Quarters – Part 3: Less Overhang
It’s time for part 3 of our mini-series of tips on spey casting in tight quarters. Today we offer you a simple but often forgotten tip among many two handed anglers. The next time you find yourself short of casting room, try casting with less overhang. Most modern spey lines (we’re talking mostly skagit and scandi heads here)…
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