In fisheries like ours on South Andros, a sturdy pair of flats boots are a really, really good idea whenever fishing for bonefish on foot. Some of our flats are really long, taking hours to cover, and protecting your feet is really important. However, when fishing from the boat we tend to recommend that our guests leave the…
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Dredging Streamers for Trout
For many trout anglers, fall means streamer time. Streamers are arguably the most versatile flies out there, and if you’re not fishing streamers using a variety of techniques, odds are you’re missing out. We’ve posted in the past on streamer techniques that go beyond the classic ‘cast and strip’ method, and today Alaska West guide,…
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“Long Strip!”
Experienced anglers know that the best way to set the hook on bonefish is with a strip set, not by raising the rod. Experienced guides know that saying ‘long strip’ is a great way to trick inexperienced anglers into setting the hook without raising the rod. “Strip, strip, long strip!” Fish on. More on Bonefishing…
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Gear You Need: Sharpie Extreme
We’ve mentioned in the past that it’s a great idea to always carry a permanent marker with you on the water. A simple felt-tip permanent marker can be used for everything from modifying flies in a pinch, to camouflaging your leader, to adding contrast to a strike indicator. At the vise, permanent markers have even more uses,…
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Casting Short for Bonefish – 3 Tips
We say it all the time, but at Andros South you don’t need to cast very far to catch bonefish. Most of our shots are within the 30-40 foot range, with many creeping in even closer. We know, we know, everybody wants to know how to cast further, but contrary to popular belief, some of…
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Peterson’s Spawning Shrimp – Tying Instructions
In less than a month, we kick off our bonefishing season at Andros South. So, today we present you with detailed instructions on how to tie one of our favorite bonefish flies, Peterson’s Spawning Shrimp. Enjoy! Peterson’s Spawning Shrimp – Tying Instructions Materials: Hook: Tiemco 811s – Sizes 2-6. Thread: UTC 140 – Shell Pink….
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6 Tips for Tying Better Knots
It’s true that the weakest connection in any line or leader is a knot. However, it’s also true that experienced anglers rarely lose fish to knot failure. Break-offs are a bummer.. Here are 6 tips to tying better, stronger knots. Lubricate EACH Step. Most anglers know that its always a good idea to lubricate your knots….
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Bonefishing Roundup – Roundup
We’ve written quite a few articles about fly fishing on our blog, so every once in a while we like to run ‘roundup posts,’ where we list a bunch of posts all related to a similar topic. It’s been a while since we’ve ran one on our blog so today – you guessed it –…
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Fish to the Future, Not to the Past
We’re really lucky at our lodges to be able to target trout in a number of ways. However, one of the most common (and most effective) ways in which we target trout is by rowing downstream in traditional ‘drift boat’ fashion. Rowing allows you to cover the maximum amount of water possible, thus putting your fly in…
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Trout Fishing in High “Off-Colored” Water
Whether early season run-off or late season rain, when the river comes up and the water becomes dirty, fishing for trout can be tough. That’s not to say it can’t be done though! Here are 9 tips when targeting trout in high water. Go Fishing. Don’t let ‘the river’s blown out’ be an excuse to stay…
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