When it comes to skagit or scandi style spey casting, good line management is key to remaining tangle free and achieving maximum distance. We’ve ran a bunch of posts in the past on various methods of managing running line and today we present you with a great write-up AND video from our buddy George Cook with…
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Spey Fishing from a Boat
We really love working our way down a run on foot, swinging flies, and catching big fish like king salmon on spey rods. Who wouldn’t, right? At Alaska West, we’re really lucky in that our fishery is about as perfect as it gets for swinging flies – long, lazy, low gradient runs made up of big…
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The Not-So-Secret Secret to Catching More Trout
Want the secret to catching more trout? Here it is – Show your fly to as many fish as possible. Okay, we all know there’s more to it than that, but if there’s one universal truth in fly fishing it’s this; the more fish that see your fly, the more fish you’re going to catch. Period….
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Wear Good Boots
We do a lot of wading on South Andros. We’re really lucky in that we have virtually endless amounts of hard bottomed flats just begging to be walked across. Stalking bonefish on foot is about as fun as it gets, and if conditions allow, many of our guests spend a good amount of their trip out…
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The Off-Shoulder Cast
Presenting the fly with the wind blowing hard onto your casting shoulder (blowing onto your right side for right handed casters, or left side for left handed casters) is arguably the most difficult cast in fly fishing. With each subsequent false cast, the force of the wind pushes the fly line (and thus fly) closer and closer…
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Downsize Your Rod for Spooky Bonefish
It’s generally accepted that when fly fishing for bonefish, a standard 8-weight rod is the most versatile weapon of choice. Under most conditions, an 8-weight offers the best of both worlds – the back bone to turn over clunky flies in windy conditions AND the finesse to present a fly somewhat delicately to bones cruising in…
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Popular Posts on Winter Fly Fishing
We might be hiding out in the Bahamas, but that doesn’t mean our hats aren’t off to all of you out there planning to get after it this winter. Winter will be here before you know it, and while it might not fit the description of perfect fishing conditions, fly fishing in the winter can…
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Stripping for Bonefish – ‘Letting it Drift’
When retrieving a fly for bonefish, most of the time you want your fly to bump along or swim just above the bottom in order to imitate common bonefish prey such as shrimp, crabs, baitfish, and so on. That means that most of the time you’re retrieving your fly with relatively short (let’s say 1-2…
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Stuart Foxall on Tying Trailer Hook Loops
Trailer hook style flies have become extremely popular for salmon and steelhead for a number of reasons. They allow dull hooks to be changed, reduce the the number of ‘short’ strikes, and allow large profile flies (i.e. intruders, leeches, and so on) to be tied with shorter shanked hooks for better holding power. However, when tying…
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Casting to Bonefish – Start With a Sweep
Ask any angler new to bonefishing the most difficult part about flats fishing and they’re likely to say casting in the wind. Dealing with wind can be tough, and because of it we’ve written quite a few articles on it in the past (like here, here, here, or here – okay you get it). However,…
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