Today we present you with a super simple, yet super useful tip shown to us by long time Deneki pal, Michael Gracie.. When changing out fly lines (or storing them for the off-season), use the fly line spool as a line winder! It’s always nice to store fly lines on a spool whenever possible. Storing lines…
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Fly Casting for Distance – 6 Tips
Let’s face it.. We all want to know how to cast further. Regardless of whether it’s necessary to catch fish or not, casting a bunch of line is just plain fun, and certainly a skill worth aspiring to. Rarely do fish in our neck of the woods require really long casts, but the ability to…
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Fighting Fish – Avoid Angle Changes
Across the board, one of the most misunderstood aspects of fly fishing that we see at our lodges is how to effectively fight big fish. Rightfully so, there are all kinds of variables that can come into play when you’re hooked up to Hog Johnson – Far more than we could ever fit into a…
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Casting Sidearm to Bonefish – 3 Benefits
The mark of a good fly caster is the ability to adapt to the situation at hand. There is no one ‘perfect’ casting style for the infinite situations one could encounter on the water. Therefore, it is helpful to learn more than one casting style in order to be as versatile as possible. One such…
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Always Pack the Puffy
If you’ve been to our lodges before, you probably recognize that the photo above was taken on location at Andros South, our gig on South Andros Island in the Bahamas. You might even notice the young fellow in the photo as well – That’s Mike Sanders, our general manager of Deneki Outdoors. And, if you’re…
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Fly Tying Step by Steps – Roundup
It’s the weekend, and what better way to spend your Saturday or Sunday morning than sitting down at the vise with a big cup of coffee and cranking out some flies! We’ve put out quite a few fly tying step by steps over the past couple years for your tying pleasure, and odds are you haven’t…
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Just How Big Is a Ten Pound Bonefish?
Every fishery has its benchmark fish. The trophy fish. The size fish that everyone’s after. On South Andros, such fish is the ten pound bonefish, and we’re lucky to see quite a few of them over the course of a season. A double digit bonefish is certainly a milestone for any serious flats angler, but when…
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Skinny Water Bonefish – Go ‘Blind’
At Andros South, most of the time we like to fish flies that are quite a bit larger than most other bonefishing destinations around the world. Our bonefish aren’t overly picky when in comes to fly pattern, and generally respond better to a bigger meal. Therefore, the majority of the time we prefer flies tied…
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The Double Bimini Twist
When it comes to connecting backing to fly line via loop to loop connections, there’s no doubt that the bimini twist is one the best knots of all time. Generally considered to provide 100% line strength, the twisted construction of the bimini twist actually allows the knot to stretch slightly, thus providing a knot strength…
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Mind Your Line Scraps
While sitting around the camp fire at Andros South, ice cold Kaliks in hand, we got into an interesting discussion.. How long does monofilament actually take to break down? Not just ‘weaken’ mind you, but actually biodegrade completely? Weeks, months, years? Many of you have probably heard that fluorocarbon monofilament takes a lot longer to…
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