Lets face it, no matter how good your eyes are, there are plenty of times while fishing, whether with streamers or nymphs, when you can’t see your fly. Perhaps the water is too dirty, too deep, or you momentarily lost track of the fly.. It just happens. However, that should’t keep you from tracking your fly…
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Practice Flies
A few days ago we stressed how important we think a little casting practice can be before a trip, and how many of our guests at Andros South spend a little time each day at our casting area working out the kinks from their day on the water. Recently, while addressing a few casting flaws…
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Which Spey Cast Should I Use?
Today’s post comes from the ‘topics you asked us to write about‘ category! Spey casting is a fun, efficient, and versatile way cover a whole bunch of water. There are numerous casts (and variations of those casts) designed to present your fly in situations which would be otherwise impossible with a traditional overhead cast. However, for many anglers…
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Fly Rods For Bonefish – 5 Things to Look For
While we’d argue there’s no such thing as a ‘bad’ fly rod on the market today, the fact remains that no one rod can do it all. Choosing the right rod can make a huge difference, especially on the flats! For years, advancements in technology and savvy marketing has lead to the belief amongst many…
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Fighting Fish – Take a Bow
Ever wondered why so many fish come unbuttoned during a jump? Is it coincidence? Hardly. Fish are able to contort their body faster and more violently when airborne than they can in the water. After all, there’s far less resistance in air than in water. When under tension, this can cause an unexpected yank on…
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9 Tips for Quicker Rig/Fly Changes
Time spent rigging is time spent not fishing, and some of you have asked for quicker ways to switch between different rigs, flies, and tactics. So, today we’ve compiled a few simple tips to help you change your rig quicker and easier to get your fly back in the water. Enjoy! 9 Tips for Quicker Rig…
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Steelhead Biology for Anglers
To outsmart any quarry, you must first understand it, and steelhead are arguably one of the least understood, and thus elusive, species out there. However, today we present to you a killer article written by Alaska West alum, and TU’s Wild Steelhead Initiative Organizer, Nick Chambers, on the biology of steelhead and how it relates to, well, catching…
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Trout Fishing – Solving the Riddle
Last week we ran a post asking you, our readers, what you’d like to read about on our blog. We received a bunch of great comments and questions, one of which is the topic for today’s post: “When things (flies, techniques) aren’t working, how do you solve the riddle?“ There are an uncountable number of variables present…
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False Cast Short of Your Target
As anyone who has done a bit of flats fishing can tell you, bonefish can be a spooky fish. Seeing as how many predators swim in the waters where bonefish live, its no surprise they seem a little ‘on edge’ most of the time. However, not only are bonefish constantly on the lookout for predators under…
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Keep Your Rod Tip High on Shallow Flats
We talk all the time about getting ‘down and dirty‘ when fighting big fish – fighting with the rod tip low and to the side. Doing so allows the rod to bend deep into the butt section, where the most power is, enabling you to put the heat on big hard-fighting fish. The down and…
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