When releasing a bonefish, most anglers are aware that its really important to revive an exhausted fish before sending it on its way – especially if the fish loses equilibrium (cannot remain upright on its own). Unlike a trout stream, there are a lot of predators on the flats, and the erratic behavior of a…
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Dubbing Management – 3 Methods
Without a doubt, dubbing is one of the most versatile tying materials of all time. In fact, we’d go so far as to say there isn’t a material out there that can be incorporated into a fly in more ways than dubbing can. However, regardless of its versatility, working with dubbing is not overly straight forward,…
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Flats Fishing Wisdom from Josie Sands
Today we present you with a nugget of flats fishing wisdom courtesy of long-time Andros South guide, Josie Sands. Josie’s been putting people on bonefish, big bonefish we might add, for well over twenty years. Needless to say, when he’s got something to say, we listen! When asked recently, what’s the key to catching bonefish? Josie’s…
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Wading for Bonefish – Lift Your Toes
Whenever conditions allow, we love chasing bonefish on foot, and we’re really lucky to do so a lot on South Andros. Wading for bonefish is not only super fun, but its also a great way to creep up on wary fish that might otherwise be difficult to reach from the boat – that is of course,…
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Are You Holding Fish Correctly?
Handling fish appropriately to ensure the best chance of survival is important when releasing fish. In fact, we’ll be the first to agree that there’s no better practice for the well being of a released fish than never being taken out of the water in the first place. However, we also understand that fish are going…
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Fish Running At You? Focus on the Fundamentals
Lets face it, when you’re hooked into a big fish, no matter what species, all types of craziness can occur. And let us tell you, some of the things we’ve seen fish do in order to evade being landed never ceases to amaze us. Things can happen fast while fighting fish. Really fast. But, while…
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Tying Neater Flies – 5 (More) Tips
For many of us winter means fly tying season, and last week we shared with you 5 tips for tying neater/tidier looking flies. Missed it? Not to worry, hit the link to read it right now! Knowing that Old Man Winter might keep you off the water for a couple more months, we figured we’d…
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Tying Neater Flies – 5 Tips
Its been said that flies catch fisherman, not fish. Odds are most fish don’t notice that the head of the fly is a little on the bulky side, or that your wraps are not as even as they could be. That said, well tied, tidy looking flies invoke confidence, and having confidence in the fly you’re…
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Check Your Ferrules Often
Today we present you with a friendly reminder of a simple tip that most anglers are well aware of, but often forget until its too late – like when your rod breaks! Multi piece fly rods are designed such that when assembled tightly together, the overlapping ferrules result in the desired overall taper of the rod….
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Attaching Fluorocarbon to Nylon (Mono) – Avoid Blood Knots
The debate over nylon monofilament and fluorocarbon leader and tippet material has been alive and well since fluorocarbon was first introduced. There are many advantages and disadvantages of both materials, not the least of which is price. Fluorocarbon is far more expensive than nylon (mono), which is why many anglers prefer to attach pricey fluorocarbon…
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