Barracuda (something we see a lot of on South Andros) are a highly underrated fish to target on a fly. Not only are they big, aggressive, and fight really hard, they’re also know for jumping like tarpon and hit flies harder than anything we’ve seen.. What more could ask for in a game fish!? The…
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Bonefish Flies – Weight Matters
We’ve said it many before, but when it comes to selecting bonefish flies for South Andros, our fish aren’t overly picky. Many, many different fly patterns work well on our flats, so when choosing flies we prefer to focus on a few basic variables for the situation at hand, rather than a particular fly pattern. Arguably the…
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Don’t Touch Dat Drag!
Today we present you with a simple tip when fighting hard fighting fish like bonefish that we were reminded of recently while listening to Deneki guest, Chuck Keller’s, recount of his largest landed bonefish to date. According to Chuck, during the first blistering run by his trophy fish, Andros South guide, Josie Sands, muttered the words…
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Spey TV Episode 8: The Step and Slide
The boys from Spey TV are back with another great video featuring spey casting and fishing tips from some of the best in the business. Their latest video features Deneki pal, Charles St. Pierre, on the fundamentals of efficiently working down a run while swinging flies, and you can watch it right this second by…
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Windy Day? Keep Your Line Under Your Toe
There are many, many ways to blow a shot at a bonefish. Trust us, we’ve blown our share.. But arguably the most frustrating way of all is by accidentally standing on your line while attempting to present the fly. We could explain the scenario in excruciating detail, but we have a feeling many of you know exactly…
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Universal Gear Tip – Rinse Your Zippers
Fact: One of the most forgotten items by our anglers at Andros South is a rain jacket. Regardless of where you’re fishing, whether in the North Country or the Tropics, being wet means being cold, and having quality rain gear handy is critical for staying comfortable on the water in adverse conditions. However, when fishing in…
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Not All Schoolies are Small
Quantity versus quality is an age old debate amongst anglers, but one thing we dig about our fishery on South Andros is that we’re able to target both! Whether you prefer to chase singles and doubles (often larger fish), or target larger schools for numbers (often smaller fish), we’re able to fish different areas of…
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Land Your Bonefish in the Shallows
When releasing a bonefish, most anglers are aware that its really important to revive an exhausted fish before sending it on its way – especially if the fish loses equilibrium (cannot remain upright on its own). Unlike a trout stream, there are a lot of predators on the flats, and the erratic behavior of a…
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Dubbing Management – 3 Methods
Without a doubt, dubbing is one of the most versatile tying materials of all time. In fact, we’d go so far as to say there isn’t a material out there that can be incorporated into a fly in more ways than dubbing can. However, regardless of its versatility, working with dubbing is not overly straight forward,…
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Flats Fishing Wisdom from Josie Sands
Today we present you with a nugget of flats fishing wisdom courtesy of long-time Andros South guide, Josie Sands. Josie’s been putting people on bonefish, big bonefish we might add, for well over twenty years. Needless to say, when he’s got something to say, we listen! When asked recently, what’s the key to catching bonefish? Josie’s…
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