A while back, fly tying great, Stuart Foxall, shared a great step by step with us on one of our all-time favorite patterns for salmon and steelhead, the Hoh Bo Spey. He didn’t stop there however, he also gave us a great post on how to tie the Hoh Bo Spey on a tube as…
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Timeless Tips: Bonefishing in Windy Conditions
When fishing for bonefish, rarely can you expect a day entirely free of wind. In fact, most experienced flats anglers would agree that those completely calm days can be extremely challenging due to spooky fish. While a light wind can be your friend on the flats, there are times when it can be a little…
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Spey Casting: The Perry Poke – Explained
In case you weren’t aware, our good friends from OPST have been pumping out some pretty high-quality instructional spey casting videos of late. In their latest videos, Deneki alum, Trevor Covich, gives the finer points of one of the most versatile skagit-style spey casts – The Perry Poke. They’ve even broke the ‘poke’ down into…
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Our 5 Favorite Ways to Catch Rainbow Trout
We love fly fishing for trout. However, targeting trout in Alaska is a bit different than targeting trout in other parts of the world. A high abundance of food within a short growing season makes them more opportunistic than most, allowing us to target them with a bunch of different techniques, some of our favorites…
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Timeless Tips: Presenting on the Backcast
Being able to present the fly quickly and effectively on the back cast is one of the most important casts to know on the flats. Presenting the fly well on your back cast enables you to cast safely when the wind is on your right shoulder (or left shoulder for you leftys), as well as cast to fish on either side…
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Spey Fishing: How Many Steps to Take Between Casts (Video)
When swinging flies for salmon and/or steelhead, a common conundrum is how many steps should be taken in between casts. In other words, how much water should you cover with each cast? It’s a question we get asked a lot from our anglers, which is why today we share with you a great video from…
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How to Break Off a Bonefish
Breaking off a bonefish is a bummer. After all the hard work required to find, cast to, and finally hook one it’s the last thing you want to do. That said, despite their best intentions, we still see a lot of anglers coming up with plenty of ways to do it, the most common of…
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3 (More) Ways to Spook Fewer Bonefish
We’re not lying when we say that bonefish on South Andros aren’t typically as spooky as they can be in other parts of the world. That being said, they’re still bonefish, and presenting a fly in a non-terrifying manner is still the name of the game. We’ve brought you four ways to spook fewer bonefish…
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Timeless Tips: Selecting Winter Steelhead Flies
We’ve had Tom Larimer stop by our blog from time to time to give us things like a 6-minute master class on spey casting anchor placement, and a 1-minute diatribe (well, for Tom it was a diatribe) on fishing your fly actively. Today we hear Tom’s thoughts on picking which steelhead fly to fish – especially which…
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Timeless Tips: Casting Short for Bonefish
We say it all the time, but at Andros South you don’t need to cast very far to catch bonefish. Most of our shots are within the 30-40 foot range, with many creeping in even closer. We know, we know, everybody wants to know how to cast further, but contrary to popular belief, some of the shortest…
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