When fishing it can be easy to get obsessed with the task at hand. We are here to offer you a friendly reminder, don’t forget to take a break and look around! It may sound cliche but fishing is about more than just the catching. Enjoy where in the world you are at and who…
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Fishing Winter Rivers in Low Flows
We are in that tough time of year where Alaska is entering a deep freeze and thoughts of Andros are the only thing keeping us warm. Depending on where you live, there can still be some great fishing options in the form of winter trout streams. One variable most all rivers have in common during…
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Going from Freshwater to Salt
The transition from freshwater fly fishing to saltwater does not need to be an intimidating one. While the gear and target species may be different, you can use a lot of the knowledge and skills you have acquired freshwater fishing to help establish a saltwater foundation to build on. One of the major differences you…
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4 Benefits of Having a Second Rod Rigged Up and Ready to Go
A commonality between most all fly fishermen is a slight obsession with gear. We not only have lots of it, but we also like to bring unnecessary amounts with us on our fishing trips. Don’t just leave it back at the lodge. There are some great benefits to having an extra rod and reel with…
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Timeless Tips: Attach your Dry Fly with a Loop Knot
Have you ever been dry fly fishing and noticed your fly wasn’t always riding upright in the water? I’ve had dries that spend about half their drifts floating upside down. An easy way to avoid this? Attach your dry fly with a loop knot. You will notice your fly will almost always ride upright in…
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Timeless Tips: Fly Casting – Creep vs. Drift
Warning: this is a semi-detailed post on correcting a common fly casting fault. If you’re not into the detailed mechanics of fly casting, click here for some big fish photos instead! Fly casting is an art that will never be perfected, only improved upon. It’s part of what makes the sport great! Nonetheless, there are…
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George Cook on the Importance of ‘Engagement Range’ When Swinging Flies
Our good friend and legendary sales rep for some of the most respected brands in the biz, George Cook, has been at the forefront of modern spey fishing since the beginning. Simply put, he’s been swinging flies for steelhead, sea-run browns, resident trout, and everything in-between long before it was cool. So, when he’s willing…
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Timeless Tips: Clearing Line for Bonefish
What’s the most overlooked facet of saltwater fly fishing that results in more fish lost or landed? We’d argue its that vulnerable moment of time between setting the hook, and getting the fish on the reel. That’s why today we present you with seven tips for clearing line – You’ve set the hook, chaos ensues,…
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Gear Hack: Attach a Split Ring To Your Fishing Pliers
It’s been a while since we’ve presented you with a super cheap, embarrassingly simple, yet remarkably helpful gear hack. So, today we right that wrong. Years ago, your fearless editor attached his favorite pair of fishing pliers to a standard bungee lanyard with a sturdy, yet super simple, split key ring. That’s right, the same…
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Spey Casting – 3 Benefits of Aerial Mending
It’s long been said that great presentations catch fish, not great casts. Its one of the most governing truths in fly fishing. Mending, the act of repositioning the fly line after the cast, is what makes this possible in moving water. Make no mistake, like casting, mending is a skill, and those that are able…
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