With Andros South just recently opening, we naturally have Bonefish on the mind. One debate we often have over some Kalik’s at the Slack Tide Bar is how far you should lead a bonefish with your cast. Obviously factors like pressure of the fishery, speed of the moving fish, how high the tide is or…
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Take a Kid Fishing!
One of the greatest joys in fly fishing is passing along the sport to the next generation. The river is a classroom which can teach lessons that cannot be learned in other venues. There is no specific age when you are supposed to take your child fishing but when you feel the time is right,…
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Timeless Tips // Jigging Your Streamer
Steamer fishing is one of the most popular methods to target large trout in the fall. As the temperatures cool, there are still plenty of opportunities to fish a streamer, you just have to change up your technique. As the water temps cool, the fish’s metabolism slows down but they will still be willing to…
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3 Bad Habits to Break When Bonefishing
In honor of our opening week at Andros South, we wanted to share with you 3 bad habits to break when bonefishing. These are just a few things to avoid to help you get the most out of your trip! Too many false casts. Get your flies in the water. Our bonefish are aggressive and…
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An Alternative to Neoprene Wading Socks on the Flats
This may sound crazy, but once I started wearing wool socks under my flats boots, I have never returned to a neoprene wading sock. Next time you are luckily walking a flat that requires a sturdy wading boot, try putting on two pairs of wool socks. It may sound hot but I promise you that…
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Timeless Tips, Test Your Knots!
Always be sure to synch your knots completely down before testing them with a good tug. In fly fishing, there are already countless variables outside of our control. Gear failure is something you can control. Losing a fish because of a bad knot is something that is avoidable. After every knot you tie, give it…
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Timeless Tips // Land Your Flies Softly
In saltwater fly fishing, many articles are written about casting. Topics such as adding distance to your cast, casting accuracy, or quickly shooting line out with minimal backcasts are all covered in great detail, but I’d argue being able to softly land your fly on the water without a big “splat” is as important of…
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How Close can you get to your Target? Trout Fishing Edition..
This is an important criteria to consider regardless of your target species. Ideally you want to stand as close to the fish as possible without spooking them. But what controls this distance? There are a range of factors and we break them down here. Water clarity. Are you fishing a shallow spring creek or a…
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Fly Tying Friday // The EP Spawning Shrimp
Fly tying guru Jack Reis was back behind the vice this week and luckily for us, he brought his video camera. The floor is yours Jack! “We’re back with another shrimp for your flats cocktail! If you could only fish one pattern on the flats around the world, The EP Spawning shrimp could likely get…
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Timeless Tips // Beware of the Salt!
I love fishing in the saltwater. Whether it is walking the flats looking for tails or throwing topwater plugs to Tuna offshore, the ocean fascinates me. I love the diversity and the “eat or be eaten” attitude that the fish of the sea take on. One thing I do not love about fishing the salt…
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