Last week we went over a technique called “level lining” or “right angle nymphing”, today we wanted to discuss a different way to set up your nymph rig, using a Drop Shot. In a traditional nymph rig, the weight is placed onto the leader, above the first fly. One argument against this set up is…
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5 Tips For Over Hand Casting A Heavy Sink Tip
At Deneki, it is no secret that we love to swing flies. When we talk about sink tips, we are usually thinking about using them on our two handed rods. While this is often the case, there are also situations where we find ourselves wanting to fish a sink tip with a single hand rod….
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How Many Turns Do You Use On Your Non-Slip Loop Knot?
The non-slip loop knot has been helping anglers stay connected to fish for decades. This knot is ideal when trying to add some extra movement to your fly as the loop allows the fly to swing more freely in the water. Often when I see knot diagrams it shows a good breakdown of this relatively…
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Hinged Leader Nymphing
There is no denying the effectiveness of nymphing. Sure I would rather throw floating flies but I also like catching fish and oftentimes, the most productive way to do this is by nymphing. There are countless ways to set up a nymph rig and over the next few weeks we are going to share a…
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Do You Have Coils In Your Line And Leader?
When you pull fly line off your reel, does it fall to the floor and look like a slinky? Coils can form on old fly lines, or lines left on a small arbor in storage for long periods of time. These coils can interfere with your cast in a few different ways. We will discuss…
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Are Your Hooks Sharp Enough?
Often times when an angler misses a strike or two, they blame their hook set or claim the fish “short striked”. While both of these can certainly be valid, I would argue that far more fish are lost due to dull hook points than most people realize. We live in a time where most new…
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Get To Know Your Tailing Loops
One of the most common casting flaws fly anglers experience, especially as they learn to double haul, is the infamous tailing loop. This occurs when the top part of the casting loop drops below the bottom part of the loop, this can happen on either the forward cast or the back cast. The result of…
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Timeless Tips // Sick Of Frozen Guides?
We want to be out fishing, regardless of how intimidating the thermometer reading is. There is some great gear available to keep you warm during even the coldest conditions, if only there was something we could do to stop the annoying ice from forming on your rod’s guides right? Well there is a solution and…
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3 Common Mistakes When Winter Fishing
Winter fishermen are a rare breed. They are the ones that know they are going to put up with some abuse for the chance at possibly hooking a fish. The ones that are able to ignore the forecast and strap up their waders anyways. The ones that understand fishing is always better than not fishing, regardless of…
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Fly Tying Friday // Black & Blue Pot Belly Pig Tube
Deneki royalty and renowned fly tier, Stuart Foxall, has partnered up with Jay Bartlett of Fly Fish Adventures to produce fly tying videos featuring some of Stuart’s favorite flies. First up is the Black & Blue Pot Belly Pig. This is a pattern that Stuart came up with when he first visited British Columbia years…
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