“It’s just fishing.” Nothing is more insulting to an Alaskan fly-out fishing guide than this Napoleonic statement. Commonly said by ne’er-do-well non-anglers who regard fly fishing as something more of a hobbyist activity rather than a trade skill used for gainful employment. My typical response to such statements is to politely issue a challenge to…
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Deneki Chronicles: Spey Fishing – The ‘Engaged Fly’
This episode of Deneki Chronicles comes to use from our friend George Cook. George has forgotten more about fly fishing than a lot of people think they know. This post about the ‘Engaged Fly’ gives pertinent things go consider and strategy while Spey fishing. Ever wondered whether your fly is swinging at the right depth,…
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Deneki Chronicles: Top 5 Mistakes Fighting Big Fish
At Alaska West and Rapids Camp we see a lot of big fish fought by our guests – we’re talking steelhead and king salmon here. Sometimes our anglers do a great job fighting the big ones. Other times…not so much. Fight hard, fight smart, and get it over fast! Top 5 Mistakes Made Fighting Big…
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Last Chance: March 2021 Andros South Bonefish School
Can you feel it…? The tension, the anticipation. There are only a few remaining spots left in the 2021 March Bonefish School. If you ever desired to go fish for bonefish in The Bonefish Capital of the World, but are nervous because you’ve never done it before…this is the school for you. If you’ve fished…
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Selecting Flies for Andros
Today’s post comes from Rapid’s Camp Lodge Guide and Andros South Lodge Bonefish School Instructor, Jeremy Inman. Jeremy’s extensive experience as a Saltwater Guide in Hawai’i and overall fishy instincts brings us some tips on filling your fly box with the right flies for bonefish on Andros. Enjoy! It’s no secret that the Gotcha fly…
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Deneki Chronicles: 4 Ways to Spook Fewer Bonefish
If you freak out a bonefish to the point where he thinks his life’s about to end, you’re much less likely to get him to eat your fly. Keep those bonefish mellow, mon! How To Not Spook Bonefish Fish lighter flies. One problem with fly selection in a place like South Andros is that our…
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Deneki Chronicles: Accelerate Your Strip
When stripping flies for bonefish, it’s crucial to stay in contact with your fly at all times. Doing so allows you to feel the instant the fish has taking the fly, thus enabling you quickly bury the hook home with a nice long strip-set. That’s easier said than done, however, and a common frustration we hear…
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Fly Tying: Sculpin Toad
Kevin Foley’s philosophy on fly tying involves the use of natural and synthetic materials to create the illusion of life. As a scientist, having received his Master of Science in Fisheries, he believes that observation and time on the water is as important as time spent behind the vise, and that incorporating aspects of fish biology…
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Deneki Chronicles: Adjusting Fly Weight on the Water Bonefishing
Today we present you with a super clever tip (and some well-deserved snarkiness) courtesy of long-time Deneki pal, Michael Gracie, on how to quickly change the weight of your bonefish fly while on the water. Take it away Michael! Adjusting Fly Weight on the Water The Shea’s Bonefish Buttah has become one of my go-to flats flies….
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March 2021 Andros South Bonefish School
Once again we are pleased to offer a March bonefish school at Andros South Lodge during the 2021 season. In March, there is a week-long school to help anglers of all abilities enhance their understanding and skill of saltwater flats fishing for bonefish. Casting, presentation, flies, and all the other things to consider when it comes to…
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