Ed Ward, Jedi knight. Casting videos are a dime a dozen these days, but there’s one in production that we’re pretty excited about. Ed Ward is a legend in Northwest anadromous angling circles. He’s one of the pioneering Skagit River guides that started a literal revolution in casting and fishing techniques. He’s an innovate fly…
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Bead Fishing for Rainbow Trout
Just a couple to choose from. Photo: Cameron Miller Rainbow trout in Western Alaska eat a lot of salmon eggs. Over the years a lot of different flies like the Glo Bug have been tied to imitate salmon eggs, but recently it’s become clear that the most effective way to trick a rainbow trout into…
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Jason Koertge on Talking Salmon to a Steelheader
Jason found a nice one on the Dean. Photo: Alfie King Jason Koertge has caught a lot of fish on swung flies. Besides having landed 52% of the kings and steelhead that have swum into Oregon since 2003, Jason has chased kings with us on the Kanektok and the Dean for the past few years….
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Trout Fishing: Nymphing and Current Speed
Mr. Lincoln, meet Mr. Nymph. Mr. Nymph, Mr. Lincoln. Photo: Chris Price Today we continue our series on trout fishing tactics, based on our approach at Chile West but applicable in any water where trout swim! In most trout fisheries nymphs are the biggest part of a trout’s diet, so we’re kicking things off with…
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Spey Fishing for Trout, Part 2 – Gear
Workin’ the little rod on the Arolik. Photo: Cameron Miller UPDATE: Thanks for checking out this post in 2009. By 2012 spey fishing for trout had changed a bit, so we put out this post with an update on spey and switch fishing for trout as of 2012. Feel free to read on, though! We’ve…
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Trout Fishing: Terminology
Garrett Sullivan fishes the bucket. What a surprise. Today we start a series of posts about classic trout fishing tactics. In this series, we’re not talking about the salmon-part-eating rainbows of Western Alaska— we’re talking about the mainly-insect-eating critters of the Rockies and the Northeast and our ‘classic trout’ fishery in Southern Chile. Much of…
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Managing Running Line – 3 Simple Tips
Neat, tangle-free loops. Photo: Cameron Miller At Alaska West and BC West, we do a lot fishing with spey rods. There are a bunch of reasons that we like spey fishing – line control, less fatigue, the pure enjoyment of making a good cast, and the ability to cover a lot of water. Spey rods…
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The Honorable Foot
Photo: David Lambroughton Our friend and accomplished photographer David Lambroughton created this sign that hangs in the clubhouse at BC West. David wrote the text which appears below, and it’s excellent advice on the right way to land a steelhead. Thanks David! — The Honorable Foot Unfortunately, it has become almost the standard technique for…
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Fly Fishing for Sharks
Sharks are hard on gear. Look closely at that reel… Photo: Andrea Spencer The waters around South Andros Island are extremely fertile – loaded not only with bonefish, but also mullet, jacks and countless other smaller critters. That means lots of food for sharks, which in turn means lots of sharks, which itself means that…
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Alaska Fly Fishing Wisdom
Fishing in Alaska is fun. Photo: Mike Duffy A week from today marks the start of our 2009 season at Alaska West. For those of you heading to Alaska this summer, and those of you just thinking about Alaska this summer, here’s a bunch of tips and other advice related to fly fishing in Alaska….
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