We love bonefish. In our opinion, they are the perfect saltwater fish. They are found in warm, beautiful places, they are active feeders throughout the day, and they are pound for pound one of the strongest and fastest fish we have encountered. Most importantly, they like to eat flies! A world without bonefish is not…
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Understanding Switch Lines
Switch rods have become a very popular stick to have in the weapons closet. Having the ability to single hand-cast, two hands overhead cast or Spey cast is a cool rod, right? Now the challenge, lining a switch rod. Many people buy a switch rod with the mindset of versatility, want to nymph and swing,…
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Every Day is Earth Day
“If all the insects were to disappear from Earth, within fifty years all life on Earth would end. If all human beings disappeared from Earth, within fifty years all forms of life would flourish. “ JONAS SALK Although we don’t believe we can prove the idea behind this quote, we acknowledge there is some sentiment…
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Deneki Chronicles: 6 Ways to Catch More Silver Salmon
In this episode of Deneki Chronicles, we visit the mighty Silver Salmon and how to catch more. Silvers are quite the rodeo, especially on a fly rod. Salmon season is just round the corner and we are excited! On the Kanektok River where we operate Alaska West, and on other rivers like it in Western…
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Fly Tying: Jigged Frenchie Hot Spot
It’s springtime in Alaska. The snow is melting, the days are longer, and hopefully, you’ve already replenished your windshield washer fluid. Sping also means, the streams are flowing and spring fishing will soon be upon us. Spring fishing is good for a lot of reasons but the best reason is…it’s spring and your fishing. We…
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Deneki Chronicles:13 Habits of Highly Effective Anglers
Ah, one of our favorite and a classic post on good fishing habits that still apply today. How many effective fishing habits do you have? Enjoy! We’re really lucky to spend a whole bunch of time on the water with a whole bunch of great anglers, in a bunch of different fisheries all around the…
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Deneki Chronicles: Fighting Bonefish – 5 Tips
Muddy bottom – rod tip high, but bent to the butt. In the past we’ve covered how to spot bonefish, and how to set the hook on a bonefish. Great, you’ve done it all right and you’ve got one hooked up. Now what? Here’s what. Let him run. As soon as you’re confident that you’ve…
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Deneki Chronicles: Don’t Fish This Fly
Chalk this up under “Things to Consider.” No, we’re not talking about a Gotcha, they work great on South Andros! We’re talking about that subtle brownish discoloration at the back of the fly. That’s a sign of rust, and that’s a bad thing. While stainless hooks certainly hold up better in saltwater, they are not rust-proof….
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Deneki Chronicles: Trout Fishing-Hold On To Your Hook Set
Today we present you with a simple tip that we’ve seen learned the hard way on, not one, but many heartbreaking occasions. When fishing for trout, particularly when fishing sub-surface flies from a drifting boat, most successful anglers agree that the most effective method of hooking fish on flies you can’t see is by setting…
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Deneki Chronicles: How Far Should I Lead a Bonefish?
A question we get asked all the time at Andros South is ‘how far should I lead a bonefish?’ In other words, how far in front of the fish should I aim my cast? Bonefish are almost always moving and therefore it is important to present the fly far enough in front to avoid ‘lining’…
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