Hopefully we sort out the ‘loops versus coils’ thing today! We’ve run a couple of posts in the past about holding your running line when you’re spey fishing, and one tip that we’ve mentioned is to hold loops, not coils of running line – two posts that mention the topic are this one with 3…
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More Bonefishing Mythbusting
Michael Gracie is back today, passing on more wisdom gained about his bonefishing trips to Andros South. Thanks Michael! More Bonefishing Mythbusting Last year I conveyed some myths about bonefishing in The Bahamas, and how those tall tales were nothing but. This time around I’m adding to the list, with more myth busting on guides, gear,…
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Fly Selection for Lakes
We’re back today with more lake fishing video action featuring George Cook! George has already given us an introduction to fly fishing in lakes, and some tips on fishing lakes in spots with a tough backcast. Today’s topic is an overview of the flies you should consider when fishing lakes for trout. In the video,…
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Share Your Favorite Fishing Tip
If you follow our blog at all, you know that we’ve run a whole bunch of posts focused on fishing tips (182 to date, actually). We’ve also gotten a whole bunch of great input from our readers on a variety of ‘favorite’ topics. You guys are an incredibly knowledgeable, enthusiastic bunch, so today we’re combining…
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Boondoggin’ for Rainbows – 4 Tips
Bryan Burke works in our Anchorage office now, but he earned his stripes guiding guests at Alaska West on the Kanektok. In a recent conversation about favorite fishing techniques, Bryan declared boondogging (huh? read on…) to be at the top of his list. We asked him for some tips, and he obliged. Four Tips to…
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Lake Fishing with a Tough Backcast
George Cook is back today with some more video commentary on fly fishing lakes. The topic de jour is some techniques for dealing with a difficult backcast. In this video, George talks about The fact that some of the best spots in lakes, like bays, can have very tough backcast conditions How basic rollcasting can…
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Slack is the Enemy
We’re happy to return to Brian Niska‘s series of tips on spey casting. For those of you new to our blog, over the past few months Brian has been taking us through some step-by-step tips on the spey cast. Topics to date have included Wade Shallow and Relax, Start with a Lift, Setting up for the…
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Trevor Covich’s Silver Rig
Trevor Covich is one of our go-to guys at Deneki Outdoors, owning key jobs for us in Alaska, the Bahamas and Chile. We asked Trevor to put together his favorite rig for chasing silvers at Alaska West, and he delivered that and a heck of a lot more. If you want to suck up the…
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5 Ways to Catch More Rainbow Trout
Catching rainbow trout at Alaska West is not all that difficult – in fact it’s easy to catch ‘some’. That being said, great anglers catch more, and great anglers catch the bigger ones. Here are 5 ways you can make yourself into a ‘greater’ trout angler in our part of the world. Mend less. Our…
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Lake Fly Fishing Introduction
Today we begin a short series of videos about lake fishing, featuring one of the deans of modern fly fishing in the Northwest – George Cook. In addition to his day job repping Sage, Rio, Redington, Tibor and more, George hosts guests each year at Back to the Wall, a pair of private lakes in…
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