The beginning of each Alaska season has many landmark events. Such as, splashing the boats or opening the lodge doors for the first time in 8 months (which can be scary). At Rapids Camp, one of my favorite landmark days during set up is the opening of the hangar. It’s the day that the airplanes…
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Rapids Camp
Fly Tying: Flashy Tube Bandit
The month of August in Alaska is a special time of year. The salmon have made their way through the rivers and have begun their prescribed order to spawn much to the delight of the eager Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden, and Fly Anglers alike. While egg patterns tempt trout during this time, it is still…
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Gear Review: Redington Chromer Spey Rod
At the time of the review (fall of 2020), the Redington Chromer rod was available. Since then, Redington had discontinued the Chromer and has replaced it with the Claymore. According to Industry experts, the Claymore is an updated version of the Chromer with minor changes to some details and aesthetics, but the build and essence…
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Fly Tying: Partridge & Orange Soft Hackle
Soft Hackles are a forgotten and underrated fly pattern in Alaska. They shouldn’t be. Soft hackles are divided into two categories; Buzz flies, which are tied with palmered hackle to represent an insect in motion, or winged flies, where the hackles are often a throat then a collar with wings set to imitate an insect…
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Deneki Chronicles: Top 5 Mistakes Fighting Big Fish
At Alaska West and Rapids Camp we see a lot of big fish fought by our guests – we’re talking steelhead and king salmon here. Sometimes our anglers do a great job fighting the big ones. Other times…not so much. Fight hard, fight smart, and get it over fast! Top 5 Mistakes Made Fighting Big…
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Rapids Camp Lodge Trip Overview
Operating a fly-out fishing lodge is often described as “a lot of moving parts”. While that description is accurate, it is also decertifying. There are too many moving parts to count. Every operating factor is an effort of controlled codependency with other factors. We operate because we live to wrangle the chaos into submission. In…
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Rapids Camp Lodge Availability
We at Deneki Outdoors are very fortunate and proud that our team at Rapids Camp Lodge was able to deliver sixteen weeks of fishing trips during the 2020 season without incident. With a little bit of luck, a lot of diligent hand washing, cleaning, and an amazing cast of angling guests, we had a fantastic…
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Staff Profile: Rapids Camp’s Amelia Willson
If the spirit of “Aloha” were a person, it would be Amelia. Her kindness, mindfulness, and compassion flows through her and are exemplified through her effort and work as the In House Manager at Rapids Camp Lodge…and oh by the way she also happens to be a bad-ass fly fisher. From Alaska to Hawai’i, The…
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Fly Tying: Sculpin Toad
Kevin Foley’s philosophy on fly tying involves the use of natural and synthetic materials to create the illusion of life. As a scientist, having received his Master of Science in Fisheries, he believes that observation and time on the water is as important as time spent behind the vise, and that incorporating aspects of fish biology…
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Know Your Knots
Featured photo credit Heather Hodson In fly fishing especially, it pays to know your knots. Knots are quite often overlooked in the grand scheme of things. All the attention is paid to the perfect flies, the sleek fly rod, the fancy reel, and the smooth fly line, and the leader… What about the knot? It’s…
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