Fishing guides are creatures of habit. We have the same routine every morning, put on the same clothes, walk into the lodge and make the same cup of coffee and usually eat the same breakfast. That’s how the day starts. Throw a wrench in that program and you’ll probably not like how it goes. When…
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Rapids Camp
Fly Tying Books
Fly tying is a fantastic way to emulate, create, and design your own awesome fly patterns. Since the internet, there is a huge influx of fly tying instruction videos, and don’t get us wrong, there are a lot of great videos. That being said, before the internet, fly tying books were the best source for…
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Fly Tying: Critter Sculpin
During the October and November months in Alaska, it is the ideal time to fish with two handed rods. The water is low, the scenery is majestic and with less pressure on the river, it is downright peaceful and serene. A swing fly every two hander junky needs to have in their fly box is…
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Rapids Camp Lodge Guides: Making sure you (and your grandkids) have wild fish to catch
At Deneki Outdoors, it’s part of our mission to protect the places and the resources that allow us to bring you on a trip-of-a-lifetime experience. In southwest Alaska, we’ve worked alongside our fellow lodge owners and sportfishing advocates who have fought hard for years against the proposed Pebble Mine, a copper and gold mega-mine that was slated for the headwaters…
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Deneki Custom Fly Series: Coho Clouser
Perhaps more than any other fly, the Clouser fly pattern has been tweaked, tuned, and modified to fit a multifarious of freshwater and saltwater fisheries. The original Clouser by Tom Schmuecker and Bob Clouser, designed to run deeper in water, the Deneki’s Coho Clouser was modified with that in mind but for Coho Salmon, to…
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Deneki Chronicles: Trout Fishing-Hold On To Your Hook Set
Today we present you with a simple tip that we’ve seen learned the hard way on, not one, but many heartbreaking occasions. When fishing for trout, particularly when fishing sub-surface flies from a drifting boat, most successful anglers agree that the most effective method of hooking fish on flies you can’t see is by setting…
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Rapids Camp Lodge: Comfort & Adventure
If you’re planning on visiting Alaska during the 2021 fishing season, Rapids Camp Lodge is a perfect balance of comfort and adventure, nestled in the heart of Bristol Bay and is THE place for your Alaska Fishing Adventure. With a “rigidly flexible” fishing program, Rapids Camp Lodge provides a variety of fishing adventures. Tundra creek…
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Fly Tying: Rainbow Warrior
The days are getting longer, the sun is brighter and more intense, and the thaw freeze cycle puts our wipers to the test. All good signs that spring is coming upon us. As the rivers and streams begin to increase their flow, we can’t help but think about spring fishing, especially after a long dark…
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Save Bristol Bay Update: Appeals
In case you haven’t noticed, They’re at it again. Currently, there is activity around Bristol Bay and Pebble Mine. Despite the denied permits by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, there is a continued push to move forward with developing a mine in Bristol Bay. Recently, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has accepted an…
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The Fishing Work Out
“It’s just fishing.” Nothing is more insulting to an Alaskan fly-out fishing guide than this Napoleonic statement. Commonly said by ne’er-do-well non-anglers who regard fly fishing as something more of a hobbyist activity rather than a trade skill used for gainful employment. My typical response to such statements is to politely issue a challenge to…
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