Just a few scenes from both Rapids Camp in Bristol Bay and Alaska West. We already miss it. Deneki’s Family of Lodges – Alaska & The Bahamas: Alaska West Lodge Andros South Lodge Rapids Camp Lodge
Rapids Camp
Fly Tying: The One Sculpin Ultra Rigged
Deneki Friend and Alum Jerry French tied the original version of “The One Sculpin,” an articulated stinger style fly. Jerry came out with the Ultra Rig Kit last year, and we decided to tie his pattern using that system. We also changed the throat material as well. What is the “Ultra Rig” you ask? In short,…
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Fly Tying: Hoh Bo Spey
Originated by Charles St, Pierre, the Hob Bo Spey is named after the famous Olympic Peninsula Steelhead rivers, the Hoh River, and the Bogachiel River. A great low water fly, with a solid profile and stinger hook, it is a versatile, easy casting fly, and the color combinations are almost endless. A proven effective fly…
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Deneki Chronicles: Spey Fishing – Pulsing the Swing (Video)
The “tug” might be the “drug,” but most anglers would agree that a tug that stays attached is ideal. Unfortunately, when swinging flies for salmon and steelhead, that’s not always the case. Quick strikes, followed by an unanswered swing, are common when spey fishing, and can be frustrating at the very least. So what do…
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Fall Fishing in Alaska or The Bahamas
Termination dust is on the mountains and the opportunities for big Rainbow Trout are upon us. Thing is…if you aren’t comfortable out on the water, you’re gonna be off your game, and we’re not just talking about the cold. The same goes for The Bahamas. No matter where you’re fishing. the right gear makes for…
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Deneki Chronicles: Catching the Rainbow Trout of your Life
Rapids Camp Lodge is located in King Salmon, Alaska, and is our fly-out lodge offering access into the countless backcountry rivers of Bristol Bay. However, during the month of September, it can be difficult to get into the floatplane and leave the river that flows right out our backdoor, the famous Naknek. Draining west out…
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Save Bristol Bay: Update
Dear Bristol Bay Supporters, Today (September 9, 2021), the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it would move to vacate its 2019 decision to withdraw proposed protections for Bristol Bay. The EPA will reinstate the 2014 Proposed Determination for Bristol Bay, which, if finalized, will be a critical component of the effort to permanently safeguard…
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Tip: Long Leader Nymph Rig
The flesh and bead bite is on in Alaska, and we’re all excited. You have your rod and reel prepped, your bead box is ready, and your fly box is full of fleshy goodness. As for the leader setup, you’ve got your indicator locked securely in place. However, there are times you need a long…
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Fly Tying: Bow River Bugger
We realize it is Fall, and the flesh bite is starting. Regardless of the flesh bite, Sculpin is still a prime source of food for trout no matter the season. There are a lot of Sculpin flies out there. What makes the Bow River Bugger stand out is it is a Sculpin pattern that incorporates…
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You have a Bunch of Salmon. What now?
You’ve fished a lot. You’ve caught a lot, and along the way, you decided to harvest some Salmon to eat and ended up with more than you anticipated, and you’re not sure what to do with it all. Or you caught what you wanted but are looking for new ways to prepare your salmon. Either…
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