At the time of the review (fall of 2020), the Redington Chromer rod was available. Since then, Redington had discontinued the Chromer and has replaced it with the Claymore. According to Industry experts, the Claymore is an updated version of the Chromer with minor changes to some details and aesthetics, but the build and essence…
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Fly Tying: Tools You Need
Today’s post is from Mike Brown. Mike is the owner of Mossy’s Fly Shop in Anchorage, Alaska. A lifelong Alaskan with a passion for family, fly fishing, and fly tying. In today’s fly tying world, materials and tools are changing and advancing constantly. You see all kinds of ads telling you about how great this…
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Deneki Chronicles: How to Pack for Your Day of Bonefishing
It actually matters a lot what’s in here. Today’s post relates to packing and bonefishing, but it’s not about loading your big bag before you leave your house – you already know how to do that. Today we’re talking about your typical day on a bonefishing trip – it’s the first morning of your week…
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Gear Review: Riversmith’s River Quiver Fly Rod Roof Rack
The great folks at Riversmith recently reached out to us and asked if we would be opened to posting an article about their fly rod roof rack carrying system. We said sure, and when are you going to design them for boats and airplanes? We hope you enjoy the article. Riversmith, a rooftop fly rod…
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Fly Shop Small: Guide’s Guide on Gear
Tis the season for gifts and gift ideas. We know that anglers across the board can be “finical” or “particular” when it comes to gift-giving. Of course, whatever they receive they should be grateful and you as a good person want to make sure you’re at least going in the right direction. To point you…
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Gear Review: Vedavoo Rod Quiver
Destination fishing for fly anglers is awesome. If you have never fished waters where you have to fly to get there, you should do it. It’s a hoot. For those of us who have done it once, twice, or multiple times, you know packing correctly is a burden. You spend a lot of time debating…
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Bonefish Fly Selection for South Andros
We have quite a few posts on our blog about bonefish flies, but somehow we haven’t addressed head-on the topic of “I’m putting together a box of bonefish flies for my trip to Andros South – what should go in it?” Today we answer that question! Let’s keep a few things in mind as we…
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Monofilament or Fluorocarbon?
While fluorocarbon leader and tippet materials are no longer a new discovery in the fishing scene, lots of us are still uncertain of the difference between newer fluorocarbon and traditional nylon monofilament. If you are in this category, before stocking up on tippet spools for the coming season, keep reading and we’ll try to clear…
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Indicate or Not to Indicate, that is the Question.
Regardless of how you feel about strike indicators, there is no doubt that a strike indicator will help a new fly fisher catch more fish by visually learning current speed, reading seams, and gauging the depth of the water. However, if you’re not careful, the strike indicator can develop into a crutch for a new…
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Deep Thoughts on Landing Nets
Landing nets just don’t get the deep thoughts and contemplation that may be given to other parts of a fisher person’s arsenal. That’s unfortunate since you are using that net to either catch and release or catch and harvest fish, and both of those activities should be done with the utmost care and forethought. If…
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