Earlier this year, Hatch Outdoors released their newest addition to the world of premium fishing pliers. They’re called the Nomad Pliers and today we’re here to tell you about them. We were pretty excited when we first heard about the pliers, after all, we’ve been a big fan of just about everything else they’ve put…
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Orvis Safe Passage Carry-It-All Rod and Gear Case – Review
We travel quite a bit with fishing gear, and you might think we have our ‘travel system’ down to a science. However, we’re always looking for new ways to travel with rods and reels that’s not only convenient, but also gets our gear to our destination in one piece. One of our favorite ways as…
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Taking Care of Your Waders – 8 Tips
A dependable pair of waders is one of the most important pieces of gear to the cold water angler. Make no mistake however, waders aren’t cheap. At upwards of 800 dollars these days for premium waders, it makes sense to take good care of them. Inevitably all waders will wear out at some point, but…
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Simms G3 Guide Boots
Last year Simms released their latest version of their ever popular G3 Guide Wading Boots. We’ve logged a lot of hours in past models of the G3 Guide series, and we think these are the best model yet. Here’s why. Bombproof Design. By far our favorite aspect about the G3 Guide Boots is their extremely durable…
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HMH Poly Tubes
We really like tube flies. They’re fun to tie, fun to fish, and offer advantages that traditional shank or hook style flies just can’t compete with. However, not all tube materials are created equal. We’ve tied on many styles of tubing from inexpensive ‘Q-Tip’ tubes to many of the commercial fly tying tubes available today, but…
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Dry Out Your Flies
Today, you’re humble editor is throwing away not one, not two, but roughly ten dozen marabou tube flies. Why exactly? Because he failed to practice the universal fly fishing tip of drying out your gear, leaving a season’s worth of flies matted, smelly, and a vibrant uniform color of grayish-brown. Waterproof fly boxes do a…
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Omnispool Switchbox Review
We’re not shy about it, we’re gear-heads. We love playing with the latest fly fishing gear and writing reviews on the stuff we really like. With that said, do we really NEED every rod, reel, gadget, or gizmo out there? Probably not.. We just like it! Regardless, every once in a while we come across…
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Frozen Rod Guides – Try Lip Balm
With a daily high of a whopping 13 degrees Fahrenheit outside our Anchorage office, we’re starting to come to terms that winter is upon us. For many of us, winter brings fishing conditions that are far from ideal. Although, winter fly fishing in cold-weather climates can have its perks, such as less crowds and fish…
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Mystic Sapphyre 590-4 Review
We tell people all the time at our lodges, especially our female guests, that women typically make better fly casters than men do. Sorry fellas, but that’s the truth. Good casting results from a smooth application of power, not brute force and therefore, women tend to pick it up a little faster. Oddly enough however,…
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Airlock Strike Indicators
Its safe to say that ‘thingamabobber style’ strike indicators have taken over today’s nymphing scene. Whether or not you choose to fish under an indicator, its hard to argue their effectiveness. They cast reasonably well, float virtually forever, and are a breeze to attach to any standard leader. However, a downside to many modern strike…
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