Buffs, sun gaiters, the fabric tube thing you wear around your neck to look super cool, or whatever else you like to call them, are arguably one of the most popular products to hit the fishing world in the last 10-15 years. The concept is brilliantly simple – a thin, comfortable, stretchy tube of fabric…
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Aqua Flies for King Salmon – 5 Favorites
In a few short months we’ll be heading North to kick off our summer seasons, swinging flies for one of our favorite species of all time – Big, bright, sea-lice ridden, king salmon. Due to their affinity for deep water, kings are a notoriously difficult species to target on the fly in many areas throughout…
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UTC Ultra Thread – One Thread to Rule Them All
There are a staggering number of different fly tying threads available these days. Like anything, each has its advantages, disadvantages, and is subject to a great deal of personal preference. However, when it comes to tying threads, we’ve long been fans of UTC’s Ultra Thread for its versatility and massive color selection – something we find…
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Exterus Fly Fishing Inspired Apparel
There’s no shortage of well made, cool looking, outdoor inspired clothing these days. However, while looking cool on the water is important (don’t pretend you don’t think so), when it comes to clothes for fishing, we think form should follow function. After all, how could clothes designed to fish well look anything but uber cool…
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Universal Gear Tip – Rinse Your Zippers
Fact: One of the most forgotten items by our anglers at Andros South is a rain jacket. Regardless of where you’re fishing, whether in the North Country or the Tropics, being wet means being cold, and having quality rain gear handy is critical for staying comfortable on the water in adverse conditions. However, when fishing in…
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Flyvines – Good Stuff Made from Recycled Fly Lines
Fly lines don’t last forever, nor are they designed with a lifetime of use in mind. Thus, depending on how often you fish, replacing your line somewhat regularly is necessary for peak performance. However, they’re also not cheap! And as many anglers can attest, there’s something disheartening about chucking a heap of fly line in the garbage you…
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Simms Bounty Hunter Mesh Reel Pouch
Just when you thought some things couldn’t be improved upon, Simms does it again. Neoprene reel covers have been accompanying reels for a long time, and they do a fine job at protecting expensive reels from ugly dings and scratches. Their downside? Being an impermeable waterproof material, neoprene does a good job at keeping water water…
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Simplify Your Gear With the Umpqua Bandolier ZS Sling Pack
Fact: You don’t need a lot of gear to catch bonefish – at least not on your person. A quality dry bag or boat box is great to have in the boat for bulky things like rain gear, extra fly boxes, spare spools, sunscreen, bug spray, camera gear, or whatever else you might need at…
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Hatch Nippers
Over the last five years or so, premium line nippers have grown incredibly popular among fly fishing gear junkies like ourselves. Since their introduction, high-end nippers have sparked the debate – why pay for top shelf nippers, when a five-dollar pair of fingernail clippers can get the same job done? Well, we’re not here to make a…
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Tacky Big Bug Fly Boxes
Over the past year or so we’ve heard quite a bit of hype surrounding Tacky Fly Boxes from Tacky Fly Fishing, and we’d be willing to bet some of you have too. Well, we hopped on the bandwaggon, picked one up, and today we thought we’d tell you about our first impression. What’s the Difference? There’s…
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