For a fishing trip, South Andros Island is possibly the most private and pristine natural environment. Walking the flats of South Andros Island in The Bahamas chasing bonefish is a remarkable experience. The sheer number and opportunities for bonefish are immense, especially with all the mangrove strands, patches of turtle grass, and a myriad of…
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Andros South
Deneki Chronicles: Bonefishing – The Advanced Ready Position
Contrary to popular belief, being able to cast your entire fly line with pinpoint accuracy is not necessary when fishing for bonefish. Far more important than casting a long line is how quickly you can get the fly in front of the fish. Therefore, a good ready position on the bow is critical. The simplest…
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The Bahamas is Open for Travel!
The Bahamas and Andros Island are open for travel, and good it’s good because the Andros South Lodge 2021/22 season opener is quickly coming upon us. With that Guests at Andros South Lodge and anyone else visiting The Bahamas, you will have to follow Pre and Post Travel protocols to ensure the health and safety…
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Winter is Coming: Bonefish on The Brain
Winter is coming. There is a chill in the air and well…we can’t help but have warmth, sand, beaches, and bonefish on the brain. Our season at Andros South Lodge in The Bahamas will be beginning soon, and we are so looking forward to it. South Andros Is is less than 200 miles from cosmopolitan…
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Fall Fishing in Alaska or The Bahamas
Termination dust is on the mountains and the opportunities for big Rainbow Trout are upon us. Thing is…if you aren’t comfortable out on the water, you’re gonna be off your game, and we’re not just talking about the cold. The same goes for The Bahamas. No matter where you’re fishing. the right gear makes for…
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Deneki Chronicles: The Best Tides for Bonefishing
We get asked a lot about the best tides for bonefishing on Andros Island. We’ll do our best to give a basic explanation of a very complicated topic! What is a Good Tide? In most general terms, a ‘good tide’ is one in which there’s a decent amount of ‘moving water’, or tidal flow, during…
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“Bonefish Wanna Getaway” Andros South Lodge: 2201/22
Is the thought of winter starting to chill your bones? Does snow in the driveway and ice-covered windshields give you the shivers? Well, we here at Deneki Outdoors have a solution for you. We’re just around the corner from the start of our 2021/22 bonefishing season at Andros South Lodge, and while your temperatures at…
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Deneki Chronicles: Fighting Bonefish in the Mangroves
You spotted your bonefish, made a beautiful cast despite the wind, retrieved your fly at just the right pace to get the follow, and the fish took the fly. You even fought the urge to trout set, and instead strip set the fly making a solid connection. Fish on! Although you did everything right, your…
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Andros South Lodge: Guides & Boats
On South Andros Island, land and water intertwine. Mangrove cays, endless miles of sandy flats, and winding creeks and channels traverse the largest island in The Bahamas. bonefish and Baracuda swim these waters, and we’re more than willing to try and catch them. Bahamian Guides have spent a lifetime on the water, learning the flow of the tides, the movement…
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National Aviation Day
At Deneki Outdoors, air travel is a huge part of the operation. All of our staff, guests, and supplies require air travel arrangements. Alaska West, Rapids Camp, or Andros South, planes take us to the best fishing destinations. National Aviation Day was established in 1939 by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, who issued a presidential proclamation that designated…
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