We were recently graced by the presence of Bill and Alicia, a super fun couple on their first trip to Andros South. Bill and Alicia made the trip down in their own plane, and on their way home made sure to snap a few shots of our lodge on the way by. It’s not every…
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Andros South
You can’t catch everything on South Andros with a fly rod. More on South Andros Wildlife Ray! Iguana! Turtles!
The Lionfish
If you have joined us in the past at Andros South, before loading up for a day on the flats you may have noticed the goofy, spiny, aquarium looking fish that tend to hang around our dock from time to time. These are lionfish, and although they are stunning to look at with their…
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Nice Fish, Ralph
Congratulations to Andros South guest Ralph Ryser, who caught this bonefish of a lifetime at the lodge last week while fishing with guide Norman Rolle. Nice fish, Ralph! More Nice Bonefish from Andros South John Jarosz Bruce Chard Andy Dober
Join The Flyfish Journal Crew at Andros South!
The Flyfish Journal crew will be joining us at Andros South in a few weeks and they’re extending the invite to anyone interested in an epic week of bonefishing! We’re big fans of the Flyfish Journal here at Deneki and we always look forward to the newest edition. In fact, the most recent issue featured…
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Tailing Bonefish – Take Your Time
There is nothing more exciting when bonefishing than seeing that first flash of a tail as it breaks the surface. Many of us have learned that tailing fish are often the most aggressive and because of this fact, we see a lot of anglers rush the shot, including yours truly! We learn quickly that when…
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South Andros Mini Gallery – Peter Viau Edition
Peter Viau is a longtime friend and guest of Andros South. He really appreciates the whole experience of spending time on the island, and his photos reflect that – it’s not all about bonefish hero shots. Thanks so much to Peter for a great batch of shots! More Pictures from Andros The Mangrove Shuffle Wouldn’t…
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Wind on Your Right Shoulder?
Casting a fly rod with the wind blowing the line into your body is probably the toughest casting situation you can face. Yes, when you’re new to casting in the wind it can be a challenge to cast directly upwind, but a tight loop, high line speed and the right casting plane can all make…
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Just a cool shot of reels on the way to the dock in the morning on South Andros! More Pictures from South Andros Andros Mini Gallery – Tosh Brown Edition Andros Mini Gallery – Hollis Bennett Edition Andros Mini Gallery – Mama Sly Edition
Bonefish Flies: Ditch the Head Cement
Bonefish have an extremely good sense of smell. It is this sense of smell that allows them to consistently feed on the flats. Although we witness bonefish feeding throughout the water column by watching them charge a stripped shrimp or baitfish fly, a large part of their diet is comprised of prey that live within…
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