When you think of sipping a cool drink in the Caribbean, you might be thinking about piña coladas, daiquiris, maybe a dark and stormy.. Well, in the Bahamas, the traditional adult beverage of choice is Gully Wash – A sweet, creamy, coconut flavored concoction made from fresh coconut water, condensed milk, and a whole bunch of…
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Andros South
Stripping for Bonefish – ‘Letting it Drift’
When retrieving a fly for bonefish, most of the time you want your fly to bump along or swim just above the bottom in order to imitate common bonefish prey such as shrimp, crabs, baitfish, and so on. That means that most of the time you’re retrieving your fly with relatively short (let’s say 1-2…
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Casting to Bonefish – Start With a Sweep
Ask any angler new to bonefishing the most difficult part about flats fishing and they’re likely to say casting in the wind. Dealing with wind can be tough, and because of it we’ve written quite a few articles on it in the past (like here, here, here, or here – okay you get it). However,…
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Coconut Jelly
It probably comes as no surprise, but we have a few coconuts hanging around at Andros South. When most people think about coconut, they tend think of the harder, white, delicious ‘meat’ found from the flesh of a mature coconut. Others might think of tasty coconut water, also known as nature’s sport drink. What most people…
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DIY Dehookers for Bonefish
Dehookers certainly aren’t anything new, but more and more these days we’re seeing our guests using them for bonefish. A simple dehooking tool not only helps to safely remove stubborn hooks from fish’s mouths, they also allow the fish to be released without ever being handled OR removed from the water.. And that’s a really…
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Presenting to Bonefish – Simplified
A lot has been written on where to land your fly when fishing for bonefish. While a whole bunch of factors can come into play when making the best presentation, things can happen fast on the flats, and the ability to make a quick decision is often the key to success. Therefore, when making your…
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School’s in Session
Our buddy, Louis Cahill of Gink and Gasoline, teaching the finer points of bonefishing as part of the 2015 bonefishing school at Andros South. More From Andros South Top 5 Reasons to go Bonefishing in the Fall Casting Practice Platform at Andros South Favorite Bonefish Flies for South Andros
Tail Whip
Today we present you with nothing more than the coolest picture of an angler fighting a bonefish you’ll see all day. Enjoy! More on Fighting Bonefish Fighting Bonefish – 5 Tips Fighting Bonefish in the Mangroves Bonefish Running at You?
Sunscreen: Good for You, Bad for Bonefish
A while back we shared a link on our blog to some recent research on the negative effects of sunscreen while handling bonefish. We recently got our hands on the research as published in the Environmental Biology of Fishes, and found it super interesting. We thought you might too, so we figured we’d share it with you…
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Check Your Fly
Whether fishing on foot or from a flats skiff, most shots at bonefish begin with the fly in hand in what we usually refer to as the ready position. That means that throughout the day, even when the fishing is really good, the fly spends a lot of time in your hand. Therefore, we suggest that…
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