We do a lot of wading on South Andros. We’re really lucky in that we have virtually endless amounts of hard bottomed flats just begging to be walked across. Stalking bonefish on foot is about as fun as it gets, and if conditions allow, many of our guests spend a good amount of their trip out…
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Andros South
Sage MOTIVE Saltwater Rods
One of the most alluring aspects of saltwater fly fishing to many anglers is the incredible diversity of the sport. The ocean is a big place, and with it comes nearly endless opportunities of different species, techniques, and environments to experience in a lifetime. However, like any worthwhile pursuit, the right tools are important, and…
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Worm Flies for Bonefish?
When most people think of bonefish flies, they generally think of patterns imitating small shrimp, crabs, or potentially baitfish – all of which are common prey for bonefish. However, bonefish have a surprisingly diverse diet and many anglers are surprised to learn that a large portion of their diet is actually made up of many…
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Careful, Josie!
Andros South guide, Josie Sands, plays chicken with a hefty South Andros barracuda. Our buddy, Logan Lewis, does the heavy lifting. Nice fish, Logan! More on Barracuda Barracuda Fly Presentation Barracuda Flies for the Bahamas Rigging With Wire – The Jam Knot
The Off-Shoulder Cast
Presenting the fly with the wind blowing hard onto your casting shoulder (blowing onto your right side for right handed casters, or left side for left handed casters) is arguably the most difficult cast in fly fishing. With each subsequent false cast, the force of the wind pushes the fly line (and thus fly) closer and closer…
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Sage SALT 890-4 Rod Review
For the 2015 season, Sage introduced their newest line of premium saltwater rods called the SALT. We’ve spent a lot of time with the 890-4 model (that’s a 9 foot, 8 weight) here at Andros South, we really like it, and today we’re going to tell you why. Background As fly rods have evolved over the years,…
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Happy Thanksgiving!
In light of the Thanksgiving holiday, this past week our staff at Andros South sponsored a benefit cookout to raise money for two great causes – hurricane relief for our friends still recovering from hurricane Joaquin, and the South Andros High basketball team who is traveling to a tournament on New Providence Island as we…
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Nice Fish, Charlie
Deneki guest, Charlie Loudermilk, recently joined us at Andros South for our 2015 bonefish school. During his stay he landed this beauty.. Not a bad day in the classroom. Nice work, Charlie! More on Bonefishing Land Your Fly Close to Big Bonefish Fighting Bonefish in the Mangroves Point Your Feet at 12 O’Clock
Downsize Your Rod for Spooky Bonefish
It’s generally accepted that when fly fishing for bonefish, a standard 8-weight rod is the most versatile weapon of choice. Under most conditions, an 8-weight offers the best of both worlds – the back bone to turn over clunky flies in windy conditions AND the finesse to present a fly somewhat delicately to bones cruising in…
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Popular Posts on Winter Fly Fishing
We might be hiding out in the Bahamas, but that doesn’t mean our hats aren’t off to all of you out there planning to get after it this winter. Winter will be here before you know it, and while it might not fit the description of perfect fishing conditions, fly fishing in the winter can…
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