We’ve mentioned before that most of the time our bonefish on South Andros aren’t overly picky. However, we’d be lying if we said we don’t encounter our share of spooky bonefish from time to time. After all, they’re still bonefish! For the most part, we like flies that are big and light. However, we’re also…
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Andros South
10 Obvious Truths of Successful Anglers
It’s been said many, many times before that 10 percent of anglers catch 90 percent of the fish. We’d have to agree, but what if we told you what sets those 10 percent apart are things you already know? There are all kinds of tips and tricks out there to catch more fish (heck, we run…
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Tide Watches for Anglers
Whether we’re poling the flats for bonefish, swinging for tidewater chinook, or waiting for that deep pull at ‘Lower Tidal’ on the Dean, a good understanding of the tide is pretty important where we fish. Tides are on our mind all year long at our operations, and our guides are well aware that knowing the proper timing…
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Fly Fishing Stocking Stuffers
Christmas is right around the corner, and while there are many great holiday gift guides out there, what about the stocking stuffers? Fly rods don’t fit too well in a stocking, so to help you out this holiday season, today we present you with 15 inexpensive stocking stuffer ideas for the angler on your list….
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Simms Dry Creek Z Hip Pack
Whether swinging flies for salmon and steelhead, or tromping around on foot for bonefish, we really like fishing out of a hip pack. They’re easy to sling in and out of the boat, strap on when going for a walk, and in our humble opinion, much more comfortable to fish with than a traditional vest….
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Bon(e) Voyage
Andros South guest, Walter Kulakowski bids farewell to a healthy bonefish. Our buddy, Ryan Durkin captures it. More on Flats Fishing 3 Random Bonefishing Tips South Andros Tarpon Permit Fly Presentation
How to Fin Clip a Bonefish – Video
Earlier this spring, we told you about the Bonefish Genetics Program – A three year study conducted by the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust to better understand how bonefish in different locations are related. Surprisingly enough, the large scale life history of bonefish is still not widely understood, and the information gained from this study could…
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Merino Baselayers – Why We Like Them
If we had a nickel for every time someone asked us about our underwear.. Well, we’d probably have a dollar or so, but hey, someone asked! Okay, okay, we’re talking about baselayers here, but for good reason, proper layering is really important when it comes to being comfortable outside. In fact, in extreme circumstances, wearing…
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Nice Fish, Steve!
One thing that’s really nice about our fishery on South Andros is that throughout our entire season (that’s mid October through May in case you were wondering) the fishing is very consistent. Weather permitting of course, we’re confident that our guests will have the opportunity to not only catch a lot of bonefish, but have…
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Orange Crush Clouser – Tying Instructions
This season we were joined by our good friend and long time Deneki guest, Frank Carlton, at Andros South. He introduced us to one of his favorite bonefish flies, a pattern he referred to as the ‘Orange Crush.’ Knowing how long he’s fished in the Bahamas, we spun a few up and wouldn’t you know, they…
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