It’s the weekend, and what better way to spend your Saturday or Sunday morning than sitting down at the vise with a big cup of coffee and cranking out some flies! We’ve put out quite a few fly tying step by steps over the past couple years for your tying pleasure, and odds are you haven’t…
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Andros South
BTT Bonefish Fin Clip Challenge
Calling all South Florida Flats Anglers! The good folks at the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust are looking for more bonefish fin samples, and they need your help. But here’s the catch, they’re offering up some really cool prizes in the process! Starting March 1st and running through March 23rd, BTT is teeming up with Yeti…
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Just How Big Is a Ten Pound Bonefish?
Every fishery has its benchmark fish. The trophy fish. The size fish that everyone’s after. On South Andros, such fish is the ten pound bonefish, and we’re lucky to see quite a few of them over the course of a season. A double digit bonefish is certainly a milestone for any serious flats angler, but when…
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‘Those Moments’ Now Available Online
Back in 2014, our good friend and super talented fly fishing film maker, Peter Christensen, spent some time with us at each of our lodges to gather footage for his latest fishing film – ‘Those Moments.’ In fact, the film was actually featured in the 2015 Fly Fishing Film Tour (F3T). We were really impressed how…
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Skinny Water Bonefish – Go ‘Blind’
At Andros South, most of the time we like to fish flies that are quite a bit larger than most other bonefishing destinations around the world. Our bonefish aren’t overly picky when in comes to fly pattern, and generally respond better to a bigger meal. Therefore, the majority of the time we prefer flies tied…
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Mind Your Line Scraps
While sitting around the camp fire at Andros South, ice cold Kaliks in hand, we got into an interesting discussion.. How long does monofilament actually take to break down? Not just ‘weaken’ mind you, but actually biodegrade completely? Weeks, months, years? Many of you have probably heard that fluorocarbon monofilament takes a lot longer to…
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Don’t Underestimate the Cloudy Days
Without a doubt, bonefishing is a visual game. Therefore, there’s no question that a bright, sunny, cloudless day is ideal on the flats. By the same token, it’s no secret that most of the time heavy cloud cover can make for a tough day of fishing. However, contrary to popular belief, some cloudy days can actually…
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Double Hauling – Stay Proportional
It’s widely accepted that a well executed double haul is a game changer on the flats – or in any avenue of fly fishing for that matter. When coupled with tight loops, a solid haul is the secret sauce to creating the high line speed necessary to punch through the wind, cast further, turn over heavy flies,…
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Rinse Off Your Flats Boots
Even if designed particularly for the salt, saltwater can be brutal on fishing gear. Rods, reels, fly lines, flies, sunglasses, and the like can all break down from the salt if not rinsed thoroughly in fresh water after use. That’s why our staff makes sure to rinse our guests rods and reels each evening with fresh water,…
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“When in Doubt, Cast it Out”
It’s no secret that bonefish are tough to see, and when scanning for bonefish, sometimes other objects in the water look an awful lot like fish – rocks, sticks, clumps of grass, bonefish sized barracuda, and so on. As a general rule, if the object is not moving, it’s probably not a bonefish. But, the movement…
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