When asked, “what color would you best describe bonefish to be,” most anglers would likely answer somewhere in the silver, gray-ish, or drab white category. That wouldn’t be far off from the truth of course. After all, it is the reflective quality of a bonefish’s scales that are responsible for their elusive, often ghost-like nature…
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Andros South
Keep Your Rod Tip High on Shallow Flats
We talk all the time about getting ‘down and dirty‘ when fighting big fish – fighting with the rod tip low and to the side. Doing so allows the rod to bend deep into the butt section, where the most power is, enabling you to put the heat on big hard-fighting fish. The down and…
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Casting to Tailing Bonefish
You’ve stalked, searched, and finally spotted perhaps the most exciting thing in bonefishing, a tailing bonefish.. Now what? Tailing fish can make even the most experienced anglers weak in the knees. Not to worry, the next time you spot a tailer, follow these steps to make the best shot possible. Relax! Tailing fish are happy…
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What Do You Want Us to Write About?
In the nearly 8 years since the inception of our humble little fly fishing blog, we’re happy to report that our online fly fishing community continues to grow! That makes us really happy and we have each and every one of you to thank for it. Some of you have been following along with us…
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3 Tips to Catch More ‘Cuda
We might have bonefish on the brain, but at Andros South a day of bonefishing also means an opportunity for a shot at some big feisty barracuda in the process. ‘Cuda are a blast to target on the fly, but contrary to popular belief they can also be quite challenging. Here are a few tips…
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Bonefishing for Beginners – Roundup
We’re in the process of wrapping up our seasons here in the north country. That means it won’t be long before we make our way south for a little bonefishing, and we hope some of you are getting ready to do the same! Fly fishing for bonefish might seem a little daunting to anglers who have…
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Einarsson Plus Reels – Review
If you’ve spent any time of late cruising the internet for fly fishing fodder (heck, you’re doing it right now!), you may have noticed one reel company in particular making waves in the freshwater world – Einarsson reels. Over the last few years, Einarsson reels have been growing increasingly popular, particularly in the spey realm….
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Bonefishing Tip: Adjusting Fly Weight on the Water
Today we present you with a super clever tip (and some well deserved snarkiness) courtesy of long-time Deneki pal, Michael Gracie, on how to quickly change the weight of your bonefish fly while on the water. Take it away Michael! Adjusting Fly Weight on the Water The Shea’s Bonefish Buttah has become one of my go-to flats…
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Caught a Tagged Bonefish? Snap a Photo!
We might have just finished up our bonefishing season, but we know that doesn’t mean some of you aren’t still out there getting after it on the flats! As you might be aware, the good folks from the Bonefish and Tarpon Trust have been putting forth a great effort in tagging bonefish populations throughout the…
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Thanks from Andros South
Today we wrap up another unforgettable season here Andros South and wanted to extend a huge thanks to all of you who joined us this year. Whether you fished with us, or followed along on our blog, from all of us here at Deneki Outdoors, we truly appreciate it. Thanks! Some Memorable Moments from Our Season…
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