Those who have joined us for any length of time on South Andros have undoubtedly noticed the friendly family of potcake puppies who call our grounds home. As many of you know, over the years, a few of those pooches have become a part of our little family here at Andros South – a small part of…
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Andros South
Windy Day? Keep Your Line Under Your Toe
There are many, many ways to blow a shot at a bonefish. Trust us, we’ve blown our share.. But arguably the most frustrating way of all is by accidentally standing on your line while attempting to present the fly. We could explain the scenario in excruciating detail, but we have a feeling many of you know exactly…
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Universal Gear Tip – Rinse Your Zippers
Fact: One of the most forgotten items by our anglers at Andros South is a rain jacket. Regardless of where you’re fishing, whether in the North Country or the Tropics, being wet means being cold, and having quality rain gear handy is critical for staying comfortable on the water in adverse conditions. However, when fishing in…
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Iguana Tracks
For those who have yet to experience it, the sheer vastness of our flats system on South Andros can be overwhelming. It’s not uncommon for our guests to never run into another soul throughout the course of a day’s fishing – something that, like most anglers, we really, really appreciate. However, regardless of how expansive our…
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Simms Bounty Hunter Mesh Reel Pouch
Just when you thought some things couldn’t be improved upon, Simms does it again. Neoprene reel covers have been accompanying reels for a long time, and they do a fine job at protecting expensive reels from ugly dings and scratches. Their downside? Being an impermeable waterproof material, neoprene does a good job at keeping water water…
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Nice Fish, Gary!
Last week our good friend, Gary Rogers, joined us for a week at Andros South. Each day of his trip Gary brought back some tantalizing stories of truly big fish that would make the hair on any hardcore angler’s neck stand up. Well, we were extremely pleased when we were told that on his second to…
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Not All Schoolies are Small
Quantity versus quality is an age old debate amongst anglers, but one thing we dig about our fishery on South Andros is that we’re able to target both! Whether you prefer to chase singles and doubles (often larger fish), or target larger schools for numbers (often smaller fish), we’re able to fish different areas of…
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Never Make the Same False Cast Twice
There’s no doubt about it, the ability to make a quick, yet effective, presentation is an invaluable skill on the flats. Things can happen fast, thus presenting the fly with as few false casts as possible is huge. This is no secret of course.. After all, we’d be willing to bet that most of you…
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We’ve said it before, but we’ll say it again – A great fishing trip is about more than just good fishing. A bit cliche? Yes, but true nonetheless. In fact, one thing we feel many anglers (ourselves included) take advantage of at times on Andros South is the staggering variety of wildlife swimming around in our…
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Thanks Atlanta!
Last weekend we attended the Fly Fishing Show in Atlanta, Georgia and wanted to take the day to give a big thanks to all those who stopped by the Deneki booth to give us a shout. We were pleased by the turnout for the inaugural show at the Infinite Energy Center, and were extremely humbled…
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