It’s been a while since our latest fly tying step by step, and today we right that wrong with tying instructions for the Squimp – A versatile shrimp pattern effective wherever bonefish are found. One thing we think sets the Squimp apart from many other bonefish flies is its superior movement when stripped. Aside from…
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Andros South
Timeless Tips Tuesday: 6 Tips When Poling for Bonefish
So you’re in a fishery like ours on South Andros that’s loaded with bonefish, and you’re fishing from the boat, with your guide on the push pole. What should you do to make sure you’re successful? Here’s what. Be quiet. Bonefish are really sensitive to noise, so be quiet! Close the cooler quietly. Don’t drop…
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First Landed Permit at Andros South
While South Andros is known throughout the angling the community an incredibly diverse bonefish fishery, what it is not known for (and accurately so) is a grand-slam fishery – One with decent odds of catching other gucci flats species like tarpon or permit. That being said, over the years a few of our lucky guests have…
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South Andros Mini Gallery – Peter Viau Edition
A picture might be worth a 1,000 words, but in our opinion, 1,000 words is not nearly enough to tell the story of a solid fishing trip. Grip and grins are great, but they rarely tell the whole story. That’s why we’re always excited to receive photos from our pal, Peter Viau, after a week…
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Three (More) Things Bonefish Hate
Way back in the ancient year of 2012, we reminded you that sometimes the key to catching bonefish is not necessarily doing everything especially well, rather avoiding the things that bonefish hate most instead. Well, it turns out there a few other things that bonefish hate.. Avoid these and you’re apt to catch more fish. Three…
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The Flyfish Journal at Andros South – Photo Essay and Video
Earlier this month our good friends from The Flyfish Journal, hands down one of our favorite fly fishing publications, joined us for their fifth consecutive ‘Bamahacon’ pilgrimage to Andros South. They just released a great online photo essay of their trip featuring stunning images, great writing, and video cut, and if you haven’t already, we urge you…
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Andros South Trip Report from Fishwest
Earlier this season we were fortunate to spend another great week at Andros South with our good friends and long time Deneki guests from Fishwest. As part of their group, we were also pleased to host Fishwest team member, Morgan Griffith, for his first flats-fishing experience. Morgan has put together a couple of great trip reports on…
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5 (More) Tips for Bigger Bonefish
A while back we presented you with 5 tips for targeting bigger bonefish. We have a feeling a few of you out there like the idea of catching big bonefish, which is why today we’re coming at you with.. 5 (More) Tips for Bigger Bonefish Land Your Fly Close. As the old adage goes, big fish…
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Which Hand Do You Reel With?
It’s poll time again here on the Deneki blog, and we want to hear from you! The proper hand to reel with is an age old debate, and from our experience, one that many serious anglers are passionate about. We’ve witnessed everything from healthy discussions to full out arguments on the topic over the years, which is why…
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South Andros Sky
When most people think of fly fishing in the Bahamas, images of blue bird skies over turquoise waters and white sandy flats are likely what come to mind. However, while it might not end up on a Bahamian post card any time soon, with virtually zero light pollution in our neck of the woods, the night…
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