Every now and then we like to take a break from telling you how to catch more big fish, or what we gear we like when trying to catch big fish, and just share a photo of one our guests with, you got it, a big fish. Our pal Chris Wilks tied into this beauty…
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Andros South
Timeless Tips: How to Tie Better Flies Faster
Winter is here, and for many of us that means it’s fly tying season. If you’re looking to restock your boxes for next season, try a few of these tips to fill them up faster! Take Your Time on the First Pattern. Before you hit production mode, take your time on your first fly pattern. Experiment…
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Timeless Tips: DIY Sunglasses Retainers
Call them what you want – retainers, chums, croakies, whatever – but that simple strap on the back of your sunglasses is invaluable in making sure your shades don’t end up in the drink. Whether you’re sporting some gas-station budget shades or a pair of 250 dollar Costas, the fact is, losing your sunglasses stinks….
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‘Cuda Camo
One look at a barracuda in its natural environment reveals what makes it such a successful predator on the flats. Aside from their razor sharp teeth and ability to reach impressive speeds in a moments notice, barracuda are also able to blend into their environment extremely well. Couple that with the intelligence to ambush their…
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With Bad Weather Comes Big Bonefish
Waking up to a day of cloudy skies, heavy winds, and a chance of rain is disheartening before a day on the flats. There’s no doubt about it, bonefishing is a visual game, and the more clouds and wind present, odds are the more difficult the day is going to be. However, there’s a secret…
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Timeless Tips: 3 Ways to Save Money on Fishing Gear
Although it may seem like we’re always trying to talk you out of your money, that’s really not our (only) goal in life. To prove it, today we offer you three ways you can save money on your fishing gear! Ways to Save Money on Fishing Gear Always label a fly line the instant you…
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Nice Mutton, Jerry!
Today we interrupt your scheduled Deneki programming to congratulate our good friend, Jerry Roth, for landing this impressive mutton snapper on a bonefish fly during his recent stay with us at Andros South. For those unaware, although plentiful in deeper water throughout the Bahamas, mutton snapper are known for being one of the most difficult…
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3,000 Posts!
We’ve been blogging about fly fishing for quite some time now, and today our humble little fly fishing blog reaches its greatest milestone yet.. Today is the 3,000th blog post here on the Deneki blog. Wow. We really appreciate all of you who have stopped by our blog over the years, continually check in for your daily dose…
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Timeless Tips: 3 Things Bonefish Hate
Sometimes catching bonefish is more about not doing anything wrong than it is about doing anything incredibly well. Don’t do things bonefish hate! Bonefish Hate… Seeing a fly moving towards them. Almost all predatory fish hate it when flies come towards them. Just like sculpins don’t attack big rainbow trout, shrimp don’t attack bonefish –…
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Steam Your Flies Back to Life
In our opinion, there’s no such thing as too many flies. In fact, your fearless editor has a reputation for carrying far more flies on the water than could ever be fished in a day, a week, or even an entire season for that matter. Just ask anyone who has pawed through his boat bag…
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