As you might expect, operating fly fishing lodges in several different countries allows us to travel a decent amount to, well, fishing lodges. It also allows us to work with hundreds of anglers each year, many of whom are extremely well traveled themselves. When it comes to travel, if there’s anything we’ve learned along the…
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Andros South
Second Chance? Retrieve Slower!
If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.. Advice that is as pertinent to bonefishing as it is to, well, life. When fly fishing for bonefish, many anglers are quick to give up upon the first refusal of their fly, often missing out on a second or even third shot at the same fish….
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South Andros Mini Gallery – Bill Kalm Edition
We’re fortunate to spend a lot of time with some really great, really fishy people. Some of those people also take really great photos. Bill Kalm is one of those people. Bill has been joining us for a number of years at Alaska West and BC West. He recently joined us for his first trip…
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Sage ‘Saltwater Season’ Essay: Silver Linings
The folks at Sage recently launched their 2018 Saltwater Season campaign featuring some great writings, stunning photography, and captivating video. Upon its launch, we were excited to learn that our good friend, Riverhorse Nakadate, put together an essay for the campaign on a memorable day of tarpon fishing, and we strongly suggest giving it a…
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Setting the Hook: Strip Long, Not Hard
One the biggest hurdles most anglers encounter when making the jump from freshwater to saltwater fly fishing is how to set the hook. A strip-set gets the job done on the flats. Raising the rod in ‘trout-like’ fashion doesn’t. If you’re not quite sure what we’re talking about, not to worry, check out this post…
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What’s Your Favorite Saltwater Fly Line?
When it comes to fly fishing gear, many are surprised to hear that the fly line is arguably the most important component of any fly rod setup. That’s right, no matter how expensive or ‘technologically advanced’ your rod, without a properly matched fly line, the rod will never perform to its full potential. Saltwater anglers…
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Keep Bad Casts from Becoming Blown Shots
Bad casts are inevitable on the flats. Sure, they might occur more (or less) often for some, but make no mistake, everybody blows shots. With that said, not all bad casts result in blown shots. In fact, a mark of a great angler is the ability to turn a poor cast into an effective presentation….
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BTT on Bahamas Bonefish Habitat – Video
A while back we shared with you the first video of a great series from our friends at Bonefish and Tarpon on the best handling practices for bonefish. They’ve put out some other great videos of late as well, including one on the current status and importance of bonefish habitat in the Bahamas (something we…
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Congrats, Grant!
Those who have joined us at Alaska West sometime within the last half-decade or so likely recognize the angler the above. For those that haven’t, that’s veteran Alaska West guide, Grant Turner, hoisting a South Andros bonefish.. But not just any bonefish mind you, that’s Grant’s first bonefish to hand, which as most of us…
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Timeless Tips: Fighting Bonefish in the Mangroves
You spotted your bonefish, made a beautiful cast despite the wind, retrieved your fly at just the right pace to get the follow, and the fish took the fly. You even fought the urge to trout set, and instead strip set the fly making a solid connection. Fish on! Although you did everything right, your…
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