Week 10 at Alaska West saw the return of quite a few long time guests. Mac and Greg Miller joined us again and as always brought a cooler full of duck and geese to add to our menu for the week. Jebb Curelop returned to put his late father’s great collection of fly reels to…
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Alaska West
This is just a picture that one person took of other people taking pictures of a fish. Somehow we just thought it was kind of funny… More Fish Pictures Big Chrome Slab Big Bonefish Anadromous Nirvana
5 Surprises from Alaska West
Kellsey Perkins runs the numbers for us here at Deneki Outdoors. We recently let her out of the office long enough for her to take her first trip to Alaska West, and she was pretty blown away by the whole experience. We thought a first-timer’s perspective would be interesting, so we asked her to put…
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Alaska West Fishing Report: August 5 – 12
Week 9 saw the return of the Bruce Cook group from Southern California. Bruce Cook Sr, grandson Chandler, Bob Anderson, Roger Rhoades and Larry Ryan always bring a great attitude and the fire to fish hard all week. Unfortunately, Bruce Jr could not make it this year, but vowed to return next year to make up for it….
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4 Reasons to Chase Dollies at Alaska West
We are really lucky to have an incredible run of Dolly Varden at Alaska West. Guests who target our dollies have an absolute blast – here are 4 reasons we think you should do just that. Very, very high numbers. Our run of dollies is ridiculously big – there are enough in our rivers that…
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Ode to Mr. Chum
Tom Larimer hosted one of our spey instruction weeks at Alaska West this summer, and on his way home he wrote up a couple of guest posts for us. Today’s is all about the awesome chum salmon. Thanks Tom! Ode to the Chum Salmon While Mr. King, Mr. Rainbow and Mr. Silver are the reasons…
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Swinging as a Team
When you and a buddy swing flies together through a piece of water, it really makes sense to fish as a team! Working together you’ll learn more about how the fish want the fly presented in a particular piece of water, and you’ll probably increase your catch rate too. Here are some basic principles to…
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Alaska West Fishing Report: July 29 – August 5
This week we welcomed back a bunch of past guests and some rookies as well. Jeep Cochran brought back her son Jack after a multi year sabbatical and grandson Henry saw the river for the first time. David and Nathan Phalen joined us again for another great father and son trip. Jeff Kovach brought another group of guys…
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Big Kings.
It was a great year for big king salmon at Alaska West! Just a few examples… After a season like this, bookings are already tight for our king season in 2012. If you’re interested in joining us, now would be a good time to drop us a line!
Good Luck.
Big rainbow trout in Western Alaska like hanging out around structure. Snags and drop-offs are some of their favorite neighborhoods – especially for the main channel fish. Good luck getting a fly in front of this one! It’s not uncommon for us to spot really nice fish in lies that are pretty much un-presentable. In…
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