A couple weeks back we ran a post with a small gallery of photos by Brian Niska on chum salmon fishing at Alaska West. Today we present you with another batch of pictures from Brian, this time on the ‘other species’ available during chum season – king salmon. Nice shots, Brian! More on King Salmon…
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Deneki Blog
Alaska West Fishing Report: August 10 – 17
The middle of August at Alaska West is considered the peak of the Silver Salmon run, with the 9th and 10th weeks of our season seeing the both the largest pushes of fish and the most anglers targeting them. This year during Week Nine, as the Silvers made their way up the river, many long time Alaska West veterans…
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The Kanektok Slam – Congratulations Dean Foster!
A couple of weeks ago at Alaska West, our new friend and angler Dean Foster pulled off a Kanektok Slam. Congratulations, Dean – that’s a big deal. What’s a Kanektok Slam? Here’s the story. Our rivers at Alaska West have incredibly varied fishing in general, and that variety peaks in late July and early August….
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Is That Maxima in Your Pocket?
Or are you just happy to see me? More Silliness Facial Hair Team Carhartt Nap Time
Why Do Bonefish Tail?
Everybody knows that bonefish tail, right? And everybody knows that it’s cool when bonefish tail, because…well, because it’s cool. And everybody knows why bonefish tail, right? We weren’t so sure about that last one, so we asked Bruce Chard, veteran guide and Bonefishing School Instructor, for a quick explanation of exactly what’s happening when that…
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Yeah, sometimes it rains in the Bahamas, and when it rains it can rain hard. You’re headed to a beautiful warm destination, but don’t forget your raincoat! More on the Bahamas Fall Bonefishing Specials Lots of Wading on South Andros It’s Really Mellow
Echo3 7130 – Why We Like It
We recently had a chance to spend some time fishing ECHO’s new Echo3 7130 on the Deschutes River in Oregon. As you might have guessed, this is a 13 foot rod for a 7 weight line – a great format for steelhead fishing on lots of water in the Northwest. We fished the 7130 with…
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The High Sun Game Plan
Yes, we have sun in Alaska. Sometimes, a whole lotta sun, and that can make for a very cool day of fishing if you’re ready for it. A primer: During later-season king weeks, the river is often dropping and clearing—a big reason you’ll wail on kings and chum in the mornings as the foggy marine…
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BC West Fishing Report: August 4 – 11
Wow is time ever flying by, as we leave week 7 and enter week 8 at BC West! Our first full week in August was met by some bright hot weather that bumped up the otherwise dropping and clearing flow. As high as the water has been this year, this bump was still greeted as a good…
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Alaska West Fishing Report: August 3 – 10
The first week in August is also the first of our prime weeks of Silver Salmon Season. While the Silvers have been entering the river for the last three weeks, it is the four weeks of August that see the largest pushes of fish. Week 8 fell on this first week of August for the 2012 season and…
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