An Unforgettable 2024 Season at Alaska West Lodge

The 2024 season at Alaska West Lodge has wizzed past and it was truly one for the books. Our guests were treated to world-class fishing, breathtaking scenery, and unparalleled hospitality from our dedicated staff. From the moment our guests stepped off the plane in Quinhagak, they knew they were in for an adventure of a lifetime.
Exceptional Fishing
The Kanektok River, which flows right past our camp, delivered an incredible fishing experience throughout the season. Anglers had the opportunity to target a variety of fish in a variety of ways. Guests enjoyed swinging flies through the long, deep runs, hooking into multiple fish. With a single hander you were catching Chum and Pink Salmon using top water poppers and wogs or stripping leech patterns. As the season progressed, the silver salmon arrived in force, filling every slow pool and calm backwater. These acrobatic fighters provided endless entertainment, readily taking surface poppers and streamers. In the back channels, Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden, and Grayling were eager and willing to participate chasing after mouse patterns, leeches, bait fish patterns, and even dries. All a good time.

Dedicated Staff
The success of our 2024 season was largely due to the tireless efforts of our staff. From the guides who worked tirelessly to put our guests on fish to the kitchen crew who prepared delicious meals to the camp hands who kept everything running smoothly, our team was dedicated to ensuring every guest had an unforgettable experience.
Our guides, with their well-tanned faces and faded technical outerwear, were a testament to their hard work and passion for the sport. They stopped at nothing to “make it happen” for our anglers, sharing their knowledge and expertise to help guests of all skill levels catch the fish of a lifetime.

Even our Four-legged Friends at camp contributed to the success of Alaska West Lodge in 2024!

A huge “Thank You” to all our staff at Alaska West Lodge 2024!
Lasting Memories

As the sunsets on the Alaska West Lodge 2024 season comes to a close, our guests departed Alaska West Lodge with memories that will last a lifetime. From the thrill of hooking into a hard-fighting silver salmon to the serenity of watching the sun set over the tundra, our guests experienced the very best that Alaska has to offer.

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