We’re off to a smashing start and in the crux of the fly fishing season here at Alaska West Lodge, a place where dreams are realized, memories are made, and camaraderie is formed. With its prime location on the Kanektok River, breathtaking scenery, and exceptional fishing opportunities, it offers an unforgettable experience for fly anglers.

The Kanektok River is teeming with an array of fish species, making every day on the water a thrilling adventure. From the acrobatic silver salmon and elusive king salmon to the thrilling rainbow trout and voracious dolly varden, the river offers a rich diversity of targets for fly anglers. Prepare for heart-pounding strikes, adrenaline-fueled battles, and the satisfaction of landing your dream catch.

With its prime location on the Kanektok River, our renowned camp offers a gateway to some of the most exhilarating and rewarding fishing experiences imaginable. With its rustic charm and comfortable accommodations, the lodge offers a blend of adventure and respite.

Fishing on the Kanektok River is not just about the fish; it’s an art form that encompasses technique, finesse, and an appreciation for nature’s wonders. Whether you prefer swinging flies for salmon or delicately presenting a mouse pattern to a rising trout, the Kanektok River is a true fly angler’s dream to fish.

You can follow us on Instagram @alaskawestlodge and @deneki.
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